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ldmxnotify program: added print capability (fwd)
- Subject: ldmxnotify program: added print capability (fwd)
- Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:20:42 -0600 (MDT)
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 21:53:18 -0400
From: Michael W Dross <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden, address@hidden
"stonie. cooper@planetarydata. com" <address@hidden>,
"timothy. wells@planetarydata. com" <address@hidden>
Subject: ldmxnotify program: added print capability
A couple of months ago I sent a note with the tcl/tk script that will
pop-up an X window with a
bulletin from the LDM. This is nice, so you don't have to print every
statement, warning etc.
Today I added the ability to print the bulletin, via a print button. So I
thought I would pass it along.
In order to run this you must have tcl/tk installed, many systems do. I am
this on Linux.
In order to print you must have your printer defined, ie lp0 in my case.
An example pqact.conf entry that will pop-up any Tropical Bulletins from
the NHC:
PIPE -strip -close /weather/ldm/bin/ldmxnotify -d wxdata3:0 lp0
The '-d wxdata3:0' is the X display definition
The 'lp0' is the print spool.
If you have any questions let me know,
Mike Dross
Below is the script:
# gets printer spool name from command line variable argv
# take the stdin text and assign to variable $info
set info [exec cat]
text .xstdin -yscrollcommand {.s set}
.xstdin insert 1.0 $info
scrollbar .s -orient vertical -command {.xstdin yview}
button .b1 -text Exit -command exit
button .b2 -text "Print" -command Prnt
# .b1 gets the entire bottom of the window.
pack .b1 -side bottom
pack .b2 -side bottom
# Pack .s next, so that if the user decreases the size
# of the window, the Text widget shrinks instead of
# the Scrollbar. .s gets the right-hand side of the space
# left over. It fills it vertically.
pack .s -side right -fill y
# Pack .xstdin last. Expand its packing space into
# any additional space that becomes available if the
# user resizes the window. Have the Text widget
# completely fill its packing space.
pack .xstdin -expand yes -fill both
# Beep on pop-up
# Sleep 5 minutes (300,000 milliseconds) then close window
after 300000 exit
proc Prnt {} {
# Make info a global variable otherwise would not get read in a prodcedure
global info argv
# Spool to printer
exec lpr -P$argv <<$info