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Re: 20010623: LDM 5.1.4 problem?

Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
> Actually, I did say that. :-) When one uses LDM 5.0.9, the AFOS products
> are sent via the WMO headers to another machine. In 5.1.4, the AFOS PILs
> are used.

Hi Gilbert,

Now I know what happened.  I did make a change to pqing in 5.1.3 when an
NWS person couldn't get his LDM to handle the AFOS products properly. 
There was an error in the code so that AFOS products were instead being
treated as WMO products.  I guess you want the old behavior.

But, I think this means that you could still have pqing handle the
current products the old way.  Although this is a little perverted, if
you invoked pqing with the -f NMC2 or -f NMC3 feedtype, even though it's
not really one of those feedtypes, I believe you will get the old
behavior.  That is, the line in ldmd.conf would be:

exec    "pqing -f NMC2 -v -b 9600 -p none /dev/ttyb"

Still, I have no idea how this will work when the products are changed
and the PILs are removed.

Let me know if this solves your problem.

Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program            
address@hidden                 P.O. Box 3000
                                  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

> Here's the ldmd.conf - it has not changed since the "new" NWWS was
> installed last year, and that was to go from 4800 baud to 9600 baud.
> This works great in 5.0.9, and not so well in 5.1.4
> I added the -i in the afos line.  afos is the only method I can fire up
> pqing and get data ingested.  Maybe Anne knows a better way?
> bash-2.03$ more ldmd.conf
> #####
> # $Id: ldmd.conf,v 1.7 1995/11/08 15:39:54 mitch Exp $
> # Sample ldmd.conf for ldm5
> ####
> exec    "pqexpire"
> exec    "pqbinstats"
> exec    "pqact -v"
> exec    "afos -v -b 9600 -p none /dev/ttyb"
> #exec   "pqsurf"
> (rest deleted)
> *******************************************************************************
> Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
> Internet: address@hidden    (My opinions only!)                     ******
> Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
> E-mail: address@hidden                                 ***
> web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu                                      **
> Work phone: 815-753-5492                                                *
> *******************************************************************************