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2000229: pqact for models
- Subject: 2000229: pqact for models
- Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 11:16:32 -0700
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 200002291546.IAA21464
>Hello Folks,
>I need some assistance regarding that good 'ole pqact file. All the
>examples at Unidata show forms that just don't seem to work because of the
>NOAAPort feed. I'm trying to get the models sent to the DC style, or NA
>grib decoders and placed into the .gem format for n-awips. This does not
>HRS ^[YZ].[Q].*/mETA
> PIPE /usr/local/ldm/decoders/dcgrib -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib.log
> -g /home/gempak/NAWIPS-5.4/gempak5.4/tables
> PACK data/gempak/hds/YYYYMMDDHH_eta_grid@@@.gem
>Presumably the /mETA is a CR/LnFd. SInce the NOAAPORT is not the HRS, how
>do I tell pqact to look for models? The format is somewhat different.
>Thanks much in advance, Glenn
The pattern above is for our IDD. The /mETA is a meta data tag added on
to the product identifiers at injection since the old KWBC was not
sufficient for differentiation ETA, NGM, RUC, AVN products that used the same
headers. It is not a line feed. The meta tag is created by the pqing
program which ingests the model data into the LDM by looking at the
appropriate GRID pds process/center numbers and identifying the model.
I believe you will find now that KWBE is sufficient for ETA 207 & 211, while
KWBD is used for the 212.
That would result in:
HRS ^[YZ].[QT]... KWBE
PIPE etc
HRS ^[YZ].[R]... KWBD
PIPE etc.
The @@@ in the dcgrib decoder I provide will be replaced by 211, 212, 207 etc
as decoded. The decoder also has the ### template that could be used to
identify the model number (085, 089) (in march, NCEP is supposed to
replace the model number of the ETA with 084 for all runs).
Steve Chiswell