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Re: 20000209: pqact.conf question

> Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 14:38:00 -0700
> From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
> Reply-To: address@hidden
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: 20000209: pqact.conf question
> >To: address@hidden
> >From: address@hidden
> >Subject: pqact.conf question
> >Organization: .
> >Keywords: 200002092105.OAA09525
> I need to separate some GRID mesoeta files to send to a decoder.  I found
> in the explanation of the /m in the Unidata Dec 1994 archives, but I my
> acqserver inserts products into the queue differently.  My headers look
> like:
> NOAAPORT.NWSTG.GRID.YZQI.KWBE.091754.2000090275422100
> Is there any way I can use the /mETA to separate the mesoeta files?  What
> is looking for the /mETA and what should a header look like that will work?
> If I have an example, I might be able to work around it.
> Alan.
>         ****** Signature Tag ******
>         National Climatic Data Center


The headers alone of the GRIB files do not provide for discriminating across the
models.  It is our own pqing (product queue ingest) process that inserts the
/m<model> into the header to allow the LDMs downstream to differentiate models.
Your acqserver probably doesn't do such a thing.  In order to use our code to
receive and process your data you'll need to add code to acqserver to do the 

I've attached the file wmo_message.c, which is where the /m<model> is inserted
into the header.  There is a function in there with the signature:

static const char *pds_ident(const char *cp)

that inserts the /m<model>.  It is called by the function:

static const char *grib_ident(size_t remaining, const char *const wmo_msg, const
char *const

You can use this as a starting point.  I hope this helps.


Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                  P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8677                    Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

 *   Copyright 1993, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 *   See ../COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
/* $Id: wmo_message.c,v 1.66 1998/10/16 19:28:58 steve Exp $ */

 * Routines to parse wmo messages.
 * Ref: _Manual on the Global Telecommunications System_, Volume 1,
 *      Global Aspects. WMO-No. 386, 1986
#include <ldmconfig.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "ulog.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "tokens.h"
#include "xbuf.h"
#include "wmo_message.h"

#define GRIB_RE_IDENT 1

extern void toClients(timestampt arrival,
        unsigned seqno,
        const char *ident,
        unsigned len,
        const char *buf);

/* statistics */
static unsigned long completed = 0;
unsigned long sohetx_missed = 0;
unsigned long bad_cksum = 0;
unsigned long not_wmo = 0;

        unotice("  WMO Messages seen:  %8lu", completed);
        unotice("  SOH/ETX missing  :  %8lu", sohetx_missed);
        unotice("  parity/chksum err:  %8lu", bad_cksum);
        unotice("  WMO format errors:  %8lu", not_wmo);

 * Set time stamp and hook up body of message
static wmo_message *
        xbuf *buf, /* should be a clone ! */
        wmo_message *mess
        mess->len = buf->cnt;
        mess->msg = buf->get;
        if(set_timestamp(&mess->arrival) != 0)
                return NULL;

        return mess;

wmo_message *
get_wmo_message(xbuf *buf, wmo_message *mess)
        init_wmo_message(buf, mess);

#if 0
        if(mess->msg == NULL || mess->msg[0] != SOH)
                return NULL;

        if(mess->len < MIN_WMO_MSG_LEN)
                return NULL;

        /* skip SOH CR CR NL */
        if(skipline(buf, 4) < 0) return NULL;

        if( get_wmo_start(buf, mess->start) == NULL )
                return NULL;
        if( get_wmo_header(buf, mess->hdr) == NULL )
                return NULL;

#if 0
        if(mess->msg[mess->len-1] != ETX )
                return NULL;

#if 0 /* DEBUG */
        fprint_wmo_header(stderr, mess->hdr);
        fputc(' ', stderr);
        fprint_wmo_start(stderr, mess->start);
        fprintf(stderr," \tplen %-7d ok\n", len);

        return mess;


# ifndef KEYSIZE
# define KEYSIZE 255
# endif /*!KEYSIZE */

/* Not very efficient for long anchor strings... */
static const char *
scanFor(const char *anchor, size_t len, const char *const buf)
        const char *ap;
        const char *cp;
        const char *start = 0;
        ap = anchor;    
        for(cp = buf; len != 0; cp++, len--)
                if(*cp == *ap)
                        if(ap == anchor)
                                start = cp;
                                if(len <= 1)
                                        return 0;
                                if(*ap != *(cp +1))
                                        /* restart */
                                        ap = anchor;
                                        start = 0;
                        /* else *ap == 0, done */
                        return start;
        return 0;

static const char *
s_byte(unsigned char bb)
        static char buf[4];
        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
        sprintf(buf, "%d", bb);
        return buf;

static const char *
s_pds_model(unsigned char model)
        /* TODO: what are the NWS abbrevs of these ?*/
        switch (model) {
        case   5: return "SAT"; /* TODO, use pds octet 41 */
        case  10: return "NOW";
        case  19: return "LFM";
        case  25: return "SNO";
        case  39: return "NGM";
        case  42: return "GOIAVN";
        case  43: return "GOI";
        case  44: return "SST";
        case  53: return "LFM4";
        case  64: return "ROI";
        case  68: return "SPEC80AVN";
        case  69: return "SPEC80MRF";
        case  70: return "QLM";
        case  73: return "FOG";
        case  74: return "WWMEX";
        case  75: return "WWAK";
        case  76: return "BMRF";
        case  77: return "AVN";
        case  78: return "MRF";
        case  79: return "BACKUP";
        case  80: return "SPEC62MRF";
        case  81: return "SSIAVN";
        case  82: return "SSI";
        case  83: return "ETA";
        case  84: return "ETA40";
        case  85: return "ETA30";
        case  86: return "RUC";
        case  87: return "ENSMB";
        case  88: return "PWAV";
        case  89: return "ETA48";
         * ECMF entries seem quite volatile.
         * Really should be in different table.
        case 121: return "ECMF";
        case 131: return "ECMF";
        case 132: return "ECMF";
        case 141: return "ECMF";

        case 150: return "RFS";
        case 151: return "FFGS";
        case 152: return "RAD2";
        case 153: return "RAD3";
        /* default */
        return s_byte(model);

 * offset
#define IDS_LEN (5)
#define PDS_MODEL (6)

static int
ids_len(const char *cp)
        const unsigned char *up = (const unsigned char *)cp + IDS_LEN -1 ;
        int len = *up++ * 256 *256;
        len += *up++ * 256;
        len += *up;
        return len;

static const char *
pds_ident(const char *cp)
        /* assert (pdsp + 28) is valid, accessable memory */
        const unsigned char *pdsp = (const unsigned char *)cp -1;
                                        /* -1 trick for 1 based indexing */
        static char idb[80];
        memset(idb, 0, sizeof(idb));    

        sprintf(idb, " /m%s",
                s_pds_model(*(pdsp + PDS_MODEL)));

        return idb;

static const char *
grib_ident(size_t remaining, const char *const wmo_msg, const char *const ident)
        static const char nada[] = "";
        const char *cp;
        size_t len;

        cp = scanFor("GRIB", remaining, wmo_msg);
                udebug("%s: Can't find `GRIB'", ident);
                return nada;
        remaining -= cp - wmo_msg;
        if(remaining < (8 + 28 +4))
                udebug("%s: way too short", ident);
                return NULL;

        len = ids_len(cp);
        if(remaining < len)
                udebug("%s: %d bytes too short", ident, len - remaining);
                return NULL;

        if(remaining > len + 8)
                udebug("%s: garbled product", ident);
                udebug("remaining %d, ids_len %d", remaining, len);
                return NULL;

        if(scanFor("7777", 8, cp + len - 8) == NULL)
                udebug("%s: no end of product", ident);
                return NULL;

        return pds_ident(cp + 8);
#endif /* GRIB_RE_IDENT */

const char *
wmo_err_ident(xbuf *buf)
        static char identbuf[128];
        char *cp = identbuf;
        xbuf clone[1];
        int conv;

        (void) memset(identbuf, 0, sizeof(identbuf));

        clone_xbuf(buf, clone, 0);
#if 0
        conv = sprintf(cp, "%8u ******************",
                         (unsigned) clone->cnt);
        conv = sprintf(cp, "%8u",
                         (unsigned) clone->cnt);
        cp += conv;

        /* skip SOH CR CR NL */
        if(skipline(clone, 4) < 0)
                return identbuf;

                wmo_start_t start;
                if( get_wmo_start(clone, &start) == NULL )
                        return identbuf;
                conv = sprintf(cp, "         %03d", start.seqno);
                cp += conv;

                wmo_header_t hdr;
                dtime time;
                hdr.time = &time;
                if( get_wmo_header(clone, &hdr) == NULL )
                        return identbuf;
                conv = sprintf(cp, "  %s", s_wmo_header(&hdr));
                cp += conv;
                assert(cp < &identbuf[sizeof(identbuf)]);
        return identbuf;

        xbuf *buf,
        int backoff)
        xbuf clone[1];
        wmo_message mess[1];
        wmo_start_t start[1];
        wmo_header_t hdr[1];
        dtime time[1];
        char *ident;

        mess->start = start;
        mess->hdr = hdr;
        mess->hdr->time = time;

        /* we have a complete message in the xbuf */
        clone_xbuf(buf,clone, backoff);

        if( get_wmo_message(clone, mess) == NULL
                        || start->seqno < 0
                        || start->seqno > 999
                        || !isalpha(hdr->TT[0])
                        || !isalpha(hdr->TT[1])
                        || !isalpha(hdr->AA[0])
                        || !isalnum(hdr->AA[1])
                uerror("Not a WMO format message.        %s",
        /* else, we got something */

        ident = s_wmo_header(mess->hdr);
        if(*ident == 'H' || *ident == 'Y' || *ident == 'Z')
                const char *ni =
                         grib_ident(mess->len, (char *)mess->msg, ident);
                if(ni == NULL)
                        uerror("Not a WMO GRIB format message.   %s",
                /* else */
                if(*ni != 0)
                        size_t len = strlen(ident);
                        strncat(ident, ni, KEYSIZE - len);
                (unsigned) mess->len, (char *)mess->msg);