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20021007: Proftomd hanging on RedHat 8.0 (cont.)
- Subject: 20021007: Proftomd hanging on RedHat 8.0 (cont.)
- Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 16:23:40 -0600
>From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
>Organization: NIU
>Keywords: 200210050242.g952g0127088 ldm-mcidas proftomd
I have been logged onto weather2 for the past couple of days trying
to troubleshoot the problems you have been having running the ldm-mcidas
FSL wind profiler decoder, proftomd. Nothing that I see makes any sense!
I can't find any obvious bugs in proftomd, so I can't say for sure
why it hangs and sucks up CPU.
I did, however, figure out a bandaid kludge to get proftomd working
again. It is not a fix; it is a kludge! So, proftomd is once again
decoding profiler data into McIDAS MD format.
The second problem you saw and reported to the ldm-users email list was
with the McIDAS-XCD synoptic decoder, DMSYN (dmsyn.k). I have been
trying to find out why/where it apparently goes into an infinite loop,
but I have not yet been successful. I rebuilt dmsyn.k using the debug
flag and havn't seen it mess up since (scary). I will continue to let
it run hoping that it will go into an infinite loop while I am watching.
If/when it does, it needs to be killed by sending it an ABRT signal:
kill -ABRT <pid_of_dmsyn.k>
Hopefully, this will cause it to dump out a core file that I can then
examine. In order to allow this, I set the coredumpsize in the
'ldm' environment to unlimited:
<logon as 'ldm'>
unlimit coredumpsize
and then stopped and restarted the LDM:
ldmadmin stop
<wait for all LDM processes to exit>
ldmadmin start
If the LDM is stopped and restarted by 'ldm' in a different session, the
core file size will return to nothing and failures will not dump out
core files.
>From address@hidden Thu Oct 17 21:06:08 2002
>Subject: Re: 20021007: Proftomd hanging on RedHat 8.0 (cont.)
Hi Tom,
re: bandaid kludge to get proftomd working
>Thanks. FYI, I did install the latest kernel on weather2 this afternoon.
>See what happens now. I haven't gotten to weather yet.
re: investigating synoptic decoder
>OK, will do. See if the kernel patch helps. Thanks for doing this! Dan
>Vietor was the first to point out the kernel's shortcomings; hopefully,
>this is fixed now.
Gilbert Sebenste ********
Internet: address@hidden (My opinions only!) ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
E-mail: address@hidden ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu **
Work phone: 815-753-5492 *