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20021004: Proftomd hanging on RedHat 8.0
- Subject: 20021004: Proftomd hanging on RedHat 8.0
- Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 01:24:42 -0600
>From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
>Organization: NIU
>Keywords: 200210050242.g952g0127088 ldm-mcidas proftomd
>There were security holes in 7.3 I didn't want around, so I upgraded all
>my machines to 8.0 tonight. Since then, McIDAS seems to be working OK so
>far, except proftomd hangs on anything that comes in. Can you check it
I logged on briefly to weater2 and saw that you had proftomd execution
in pqact.conf commented out. I will try to get back to looking into
the cause of the hang soon, but I will be heading off on a trip to
the McIDAS User's Group meeting in Madison, WI on Tuesday, so I won't
have much, if any, time this week.
>Thanks! I need to recompile LDM under 8.0 and see how that works, too.
You can probably wait on this since we are in the middle of doing some
long needed mods to the LDM. Some of the mods are in testing right now,
so hopefully the release is not too far off.
>Hopefully, it will! :-)
Yup. Upgrading a machine here at the UPC to RH 8.0 is not a high priority
here right at the moment (too many other things going on), so...
>From address@hidden Wed Oct 9 16:47:27 2002
>Subject: Re: 20021004: Proftomd hanging on RedHat 8.0
Hi Tom,
> I logged on briefly to weater2 and saw that you had proftomd execution
> in pqact.conf commented out. I will try to get back to looking into
> the cause of the hang soon, but I will be heading off on a trip to
> the McIDAS User's Group meeting in Madison, WI on Tuesday, so I won't
> have much, if any, time this week.
No problem. Low priority, I have other ways to get that information.
> >Thanks! I need to recompile LDM under 8.0 and see how that works, too.
> You can probably wait on this since we are in the middle of doing some
> long needed mods to the LDM. Some of the mods are in testing right now,
> so hopefully the release is not too far off.
Oh, OK. Thanks!
> >Hopefully, it will! :-)
> Yup. Upgrading a machine here at the UPC to RH 8.0 is not a high priority
> here right at the moment (too many other things going on), so...
No problemo. Whenever you get time. Thanks!
Gilbert Sebenste ********
Internet: address@hidden (My opinions only!) ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
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web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu **
Work phone: 815-753-5492 *