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20000720: LDM-McIDAS pnga2area minor fix
- Subject: 20000720: LDM-McIDAS pnga2area minor fix
- Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 13:28:35 -0600
>From: Alan Feltz <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Kansas
>Keywords: 200007201839.e6KIdkT09835 ldm-mcidas pnga2area udebug
>I have found a very minor non-critical coding problem in the
>LDM-McIdas 7.6.3 pnga2area.c source code. If you are aware of
>this already or this is not the correct place to send this, please
I am always happy to get bug reports for ldm-mcidas!
>Otherwise, here goes:
>The nature of the problem is that when specifying the -l <logfile>
>option to pnga2area , pnga2area still writes out a single debugging
>line to syslog each time pnga2area is run. As I said, this is minor,
>but it fills up the syslogs with unnecessary information.
Oops. I see it now. The udebug line appears before the setup of syslog.
The log message will, therefore, go to the system logs and not the
log file specified with the '-l' flag. Thanks for informing me of this.
>I have determined that the problem occurs because there is a udebug(...)
>call before the system logging files are initialized.
Right. There should be no logging, however, if '-x' (debug logging)
is not specified.
>The udebug( "MCPATH: %s", mcpathdir ); line (marked with *----> below)
>occurs in the ** Sanity checks section of code which occurs before the
>openulog(...) function call in the ** Setup syslog logging. section of
>code. See below.
>In ldm-mcidas-7.6.3/src/decode/pnga2area.c within main() :
> /*
> ** Sanity checks
> */
> if ( argc - optind < 0 ) {
> usage( argv[0] );
> exit( 0 );
> }
> if ( argc != (optind + 1) ) { /* output file name not specified *
> /
> if ( pcode != (char *) NULL ) { /* '-r' flag specified */
> if ( datadir == (char *) NULL ) { /* '-d' flag not specified *
> /
> (void) strcpy( mcpathdir, "./" );
> } else {
> (void) strcpy( mcpathdir, datadir );
> }
>*----> udebug( "MCPATH: %s", mcpathdir );
> } else {
> printf( "No output file name specified, exiting\n" );
> exit( 1 );
> }
> }
> .
> .
> .
> /*
> ** Setup syslog logging.
> */
> (void) setulogmask( logmask );
> if ( logfname == NULL || !(*logfname == '-' && logfname[1] == 0) )
> (void) fclose( stderr );
> logfd = openulog( ubasename(argv[0]), (LOG_CONS|LOG_PID), LOG_LDM,
> logfname );
> if ( logfname == NULL || !(*logfname == '-' && logfname[1] == 0) ) {
> setbuf( fdopen(logfd, "a" ), NULL);
> }
>To fix this problem, I placed the ** Setup syslog logging. section of
>code before the ** Sanity checks section of code and it appears to have
>solved the problem.
In the next release of ldm-mcidas, I will simply remove this debug
statement. I don't think that it is really needed.
>I hope this was useful and not too confusing.
Yes! Thanks for reporting the bug!
>Alan Feltz
>Unix Sys Admin
>Dept of Physics and Astronomy
>University of Kansas
>Lawrence, KS 66045
>(785) 864-5164
Tom Yoksas