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[IDV #TLI-876364]: IDV with windows

Bonjour Guillaume,

The IDV will run on Windows 10 without issue. (It is true the download page
needs to be a little clearer in this area.) We run the IDV successfully here at
Unidata on Windows 10. Please download the Windows 32 or 64 bit (probably 64)
version of the IDV.


Let us know if you have any problems.


Julien Chastang with Unidata IDV Support

PS I just saw your LinkedIn profile and saw you are Réunionnais. I've been to La
Réunion and have seen Piton de la Fournaise erupt. I will remember that sight
for as long as I live :-)

> Hi,
> I would like to use IDV but from the download webpage, it does not seem
> that it would work under windows 10 is that right ?
> Best regards
> Guillaume
> --
> Guillaume Kirgis
> Research Scientist
> ph: 303-497-6981
> fx: 303-497-5318

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TLI-876364
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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