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[IDV #JQX-685945]: IDV not start


Assuming you are on Windows, please first update your Windows driver.

If that does not work please open a command prompt window (cmd.exe), change
directory to where you installed the IDV and run the runIDV.bat script.

Please copy and paste the result, and send the output to us.


Unidata IDV Support

> Full Name: Juan Antonio  Palma Solis
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: CONAGUA
> Package Version:
> Operating System:
> Hardware:
> Description of problem:
> IDV not start
> @echo off
> REM 
> ##############################################################################
> REM  Script:  runIDV.bat
> REM  Purpose: script to launch the IDV on Windows
> REM  Syntax:  runIDV.bat <idv options>
> REM  Notes:   In past versions of the IDV, users had to change this script to
> REM  manipulate memory settings. The IDV now configures the  appropriate 
> memory.
> REM  Users can also change the memory via the Preferences  menu. In 
> exceptional
> REM  situations where the IDV may not start due to memory issues, it may be
> REM  necessary to bootstrap the memory size. In this case, please uncomment 
> the
> REM  idv_memory section below and subsequently choose memory via the 
> Preferences
> REM  menu.  Be sure to comment it out that after setting the memory via the
> REM  Preferences if you want the preference to take effect.
> REM  A similar problem exists with "PermGenSpace" memory.  This can also be 
> set in
> REM  the Preferences under the System Tab.  However, if you cannot start the 
> REM  and have error messages about "PermGenSpace", uncomment the
> REM  idv_maxpermgensize=128 line below and then start the IDV.  Set this value
> REM  in the Preferences, then comment out the line again and restart the IDV.
> REM 
> ##############################################################################
> setlocal
> FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('jre\bin\java -cp idv.jar
> ucar.unidata.idv.IdvCommandLinePrefs %* 2^>NUL') DO SET %%i
> IF %idv_memory%.==. (
> echo IDV failed to start. Please contact address@hidden
> GOTO end)
> REM Stripping quotes
> set idv_memory=%idv_memory:"=%
> set idv_maxpermgensize=%idv_maxpermgensize:"=%
> REM See important note about this above. To bootstrap the IDV memory, 
> uncomment
> REM the line below and set to a value  in megabytes.
> REM set idv_memory=512
> REM See important note about this above. If you cannot start the IDV because 
> of
> REM PermGenSpace errors, uncomment the line below.
> REM set idv_maxpermgensize=128
> @echo on
> jre\bin\java -Xmx%idv_memory%m -XX:PermSize=%idv_maxpermgensize%m 
> -XX:MaxPermSize=%idv_maxpermgensize%m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC 
> -Didv.enableStereo=false -jar idv.jar %*
> @echo off
> REM Use the line below instead if you want to use the D3D version of Java 3D
> REM jre\bin\java -Xmx%idv_memory%m -XX:PermSize=%idv_maxpermgensize%m 
> -XX:MaxPermSize=%idv_maxpermgensize%m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Dj3d.rend=d3d 
> -jar idv.jar %*
> endlocal
> :end

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JQX-685945
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed