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[IDV #USO-244453]: Second IDV session won't launch?


We have also run into this problem recently, and we are investigating.

In the meantime, we had some success by starting multiple IDV instances from the
Terminal.app (i.e., the command line). Can you try that?


Unidata IDV Support

> Full Name: brian mapes
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: UM
> Package Version: 5.0u2 build date:2014-10-08 07:05 UTC
> Operating System: Mac OS X
> Hardware: Java: home: /Applications/IDV_5.0u2/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/jre 
> version: 1.7.0_67 j3d:1.6.0-pre9-daily-experimental daily
> Description of problem: Hello IDVers.
> I want to show a class at least 2 IDV bundles. I want them all loaded up and 
> ready to go. Here is one, for your convenience.
> When I try to launch a second IDV instance (by clicking the dockbar icon 
> launcher in a Mac as usual), the icon bounces but IDV never actually comes up.
> I tried running several display windows from one IDV session, but there is 
> strange time driver crosstalk, and the map disappears in one window...rabbit 
> holes, as Sean memorably put it once.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: USO-244453
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open