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[IDV #VPL-195434]: How to view 3D radar files?


CF Radial is still somewhat in flux at this time is our understanding.

We tested this file in ToolsUI, and could not open it with the Radial feature

That means that we would have to do some development effort render these data.


Unidata IDV Support

> I can open this file as type "Radar files" in IDV, but the Field Selector is 
> then empty.
> I tried the special Radar area in Data Choosers, but there is no place to 
> open a file there.
> Is there some step I am missing?
> http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/repository/entry/show/RSMAS-UM+Repository+for+atm-ocean+data+and+its+science/AMIE-DYNAMO+data+archive/Revelle+ship+radar+%283D+volumes%29/cfrad.20111027_215008.000_to_20111027_215801.000_toga_v2.3_PPI.nc?entryid=synth%3A982a2587-ce6c-4315-8e04-d9f646ee8937%3AL2NmcmFkLjIwMTExMDI3XzIxNTAwOC4wMDBfdG9fMjAxMTEwMjdfMjE1ODAxLjAwMF90b2dhX3YyLjNfUFBJLm5j<http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/repository/entry/show/RSMAS-UM+Repository+for+atm-ocean+data+and+its+science/AMIE-DYNAMO+data+archive/Revelle+ship+radar+(3D+volumes)/cfrad.20111027_215008.000_to_20111027_215801.000_toga_v2.3_PPI.nc?entryid=synth:982a2587-ce6c-4315-8e04-d9f646ee8937:L2NmcmFkLjIwMTExMDI3XzIxNTAwOC4wMDBfdG9fMjAxMTEwMjdfMjE1ODAxLjAwMF90b2dhX3YyLjNfUFBJLm5j>
> -----
> The person who sent the file (Paul Hein at CSU) said this:
> IDV can read both CF/Radial (netcdf) formatted data and our gridded netcdf 
> data.
> but I don't know quite what he meant.
> Brian

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VPL-195434
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed