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[IDV #NBS-792550]: IDV 4.1: Crash: Data Transect View


SSEC and Unidata recently fixed a bug relating to this behavior originally 
pointed out by Marty Baxter at the last Unidata User committee meeting. Please 
try the nightly build to see if this resolves the issue. 

Please keep us up-to-date on your progress.

Best Wishes,

Unidata IDV Support

> IDV support,
> I am using IDV 4.1 on a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X v.10.9 (Mavericks).
> I am trying to set up a data transect view in which I can plot vertical cross 
> sections of multiple fields, read from a NetCDF file created by the WRF-ARW 
> model.
> I am following instructions provided (by Yuan) in an email exchange in the 
> Unidata IDV mail archives (May 21, 
> 2011<http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/support/help/MailArchives/idv/msg04564.html>):
> > >>> The answer to your question is yes, the IDV can plot a 2D ...
> > >>> When you want to put
> > >>> multiple field in the same cross section, you need to bring up the
> > >>> transect view window, File>   New>   View Window>   Misc>   Transect and
> > >>> Map, and it will be good to close the original map view window to avoid 
> > >>> the confusion.
> I did the above (both before and after loading the data set, in separate 
> attempts with the same result). So far, so good.
> > >>> To display the 2D cross section of terrain, select the Transect View on 
> > >>> the
> > >>> left by clicking in the window, and select the terrain data source in 
> > >>> the
> > >>> Field Selector and create a Data Transect display.
> I did this, too. (The 2-D terrain data field in my data set is called 
> “Terrain Height”.)
> However, as soon as I click on the “Create Display” button, the IDV crashes 
> catastrophically with no cries of distress. The following message appears in 
> the system log, and that’s it:
> "Nov 24 23:53:32 [my machine name] com.apple.launchd.peruser.101[157] 
> (ucar.unidata.idv.90496[10248]) <Error>: Exited with code: 1”
> I get the same result when I try to plot a vertical cross-section of a 3-D 
> field (potential temperature). (For that field, “Data Transect” isn’t one of 
> the plot type options offered, so I selected “Vertical Cross Section > Color 
> filled contour cross section” and "Level > All levels”.)
> The email from Yuan goes on to say:
> > >>>  In the transect
> > >>> display, you can add multiple fields. To reproduce the C image, you 
> > >>> first
> > >>> create a cross section display of certain variable, and then create the
> > >>> Data Transect display of terrain.
> Could I simply be creating my vertical cross sections in the wrong order? 
> That is, instead of opening a data transect window first, should I create a 
> vertical cross section plot (of potential temperature, say), then open a data 
> transect window (which presumably senses the preexisting vertical cross 
> section) and plot terrain heights onto it (presumably superimposing the 
> terrain height cross section onto the potential temperature cross section)?
> If so, this seems pretty sensitive. (I’d try it out, but we just had a power 
> outage and I lost my internet connection. Bed time!)
> The data source I’m using is available as a catalog via: 
> http://virga.sfsu.edu:8080/repository/thredds > WRF Model Output > 
> wrfout_2013-11-20_00_GFS_EastBay.nc
> or via HTTP at: 
> http://virga.sfsu.edu/data/wrf/wrfout_2013-11-20_00_GFS_EastBay.nc
> — Dave
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NBS-792550
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed