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[IDV #HDK-232421]: Continued problems with matching of datasets

Hi Jim, Yuan:

The matching is good, but the "best" time series on the server isn't actually 
grabbing the "best" files available. For example, if we compare the "best" for 
the GFS 1.0 degree for

2013-09-08 18Z, 21Z

with the 2013-09-08 run using

18Z (analysis), 21Z (3 hour forecast)

the grids turn out to be different (I'm comparing MSLP_Eta_Model_Reduction),
even though they *should* be the same. This is not always the case with the
best time series, but it is occurring on a few other datasets.

We're looking into it, and hopefully we'll have an answer soon.


> > Hi:
> >
> > I'm continuing to see problems with what I'll call the mismatching
> > of datasets in several of my bundles.  For example, the bundle available
> > at
> > http://weather.utah.edu/synoptic/idv/Site_Config/bundles/WX-Disco/Analyses/Supernational.xidv
> > uses time matching and the "best time series" option.  Instead of
> > getting a string of model analyses with perhaps a 6-h forecast, it
> > appears to be pulling together a hodge-podge of model forecasts, some of
> > which must be fairly long forecasts as they simply don't match the
> > satellite loop very well.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> Jim,
> I ran the bundle and didn't see the problem you had. The matching looks good, 
>  see the attached screen cast.
> Yuan
> >

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HDK-232421
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open