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[IDV #QNZ-810733]: IDV Help w/ 1km n0r radar data (mosaic)

Greetings Garrett,

Good news - you can access 1km n0r data directly from the IDV via the 
adde.ucar.edu server. Simply do the following:

1) From the dashboard, select Data Choosers.

2) Select "Sat & Radar" -> "Images" in the box on the left side of the window.

3) Use adde.ucar.edu as the "Server"

4) Use the drop-down box to select "NEXRCOMP" as the "Dataset; and click 

5) After you connect, select "1 km N0R US Base Refectivity Composite" as the
"Image Type"

6) Select your times, and adjust the "Image Size" as needed.

7) Enjoy!

Note that this imagery can be quite large.



> Good day,
> I was wondering if someone could give me some quick guidance on finding a
> specific data set that I am eventually looking to automate. I
> am specifically looking to create a national mosaic at a very high
> resolution (hopefully 1km n0r data from base reflectivity). I have been
> using the IDV on and off for the past 10 years and I can never seem to find
> a mosaic feed/download. Can you guys/gals maybe point me in the right
> direction? I'd prefer to try and not make a bundle that grabs every single
> radar station to make a mosaic. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> All the best,
> --
> Garrett Gwiazda
> Burlington-Weather.com <http://burlington-weather.com>
> "Weather for the Champlain Valley"

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: QNZ-810733
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed