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[IDV #YOD-144648]: ISL Image Timestamp

Hi Kyle,
> I am trying to export images using the ISL methods that I learned in IDV
> workshop back in August. I asked the question of how to incorporate a
> method of archiving. I was told to input '${timestamp}' into my path for
> saving an image.

Sorry, there is no explicit "timestamp" macro.  Rather, you use the following
date/time macros (from:

e.g, image${yyyy}${MM}${dd}${HH}${mm}

${yyyy}  Year
${yy}   Last 2 yar digits
${M}    month number
${MM}   two character month number
${MMM}  Short month name
${MMMMM}        Full month name
${D}    Day in year
${d}    Day in month
${dd}   two character day in month
${EEE}  Day name
${H}    0 based hour in day (24 hour)
${HH}   0 based two character hour in day (24 hour)
${k}    1 based hour in day (24 hour)
${kk}   1 based two character hour in day (24 hour)
${K}    Hour in am/pm (12 hour)
${KK}   two character hour in am/pm
${a}    am/pm
${mm}   two character minute in hour
${s}    second in minute
${ss}   two character second in minute
${S}    Millisecond
${Z}    Timezone

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YOD-144648
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed