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[IDV #ATC-717699]: IDV - save as jnlp file

Hi Stu-

> >>Institution: UNAVCO
> >>Package Version: 1.3 b2
> >>Operating System: linux
> >>Hardware Information: usual
> >>Inquiry: When we attempt to File Save as a -.jnlp file we get
> >>Failed to read jnlp template file: no template
> >
> >
> >
> > Did this work in a previous version?
> Did not try it.
> It does work using the latest IDV.
> >>/ucar/unidata/idv/resources/template.jnlp
> >>is untouched from the download from Unidata
> >>our geon.properties is attached; it has no jnlp information.
> >>Can you say why the template file is not found?
> >
> >
> > Not offhand.  Does this pop up a support form and if so, can you
> > fill it out so I can see the stack trace?
> no support form offered; no trace back in the console.
> > Also, could you send me your geon.jar file so I can try it out?
> geon.jar is attached
> You can download the GEON IDV jars at
> http://geon.unavco.org/unavco/IDV_for_GEON_download.html
> use
> http://geon.unavco.org/unavco/GeonIDV13b2.zip
> >
> > How are you starting the IDV when you get this error?
> cd /home/wier/idv_1.3b2/src/metapps/lib/;
> /home/wier/java/j2sdk1.4.2_09/bin/java -Xmx1024m -jar geonidv.jar
> I get the same behavior starting with Web Start:
> http://geon.unavco.org/unavco/geonidv13b2/geon_idv_jars.jnlp
> I am using the bundle file attached for an example display I want to
> save as jnlp. This bundle file works in both the IDV (started with Web Start
> from your web site) and the GEON IDV.
> Using the IDV (started with Web Start from your web site) I can save a jnlp 
> file.

The problem is in the initPropertyFiles method in GeonIdv.java:

   public void initPropertyFiles(List files) {

The default property file is in the list of files that is
being passed in and it contains the pointer to the JNLP template.
But in this method, you are removing it from the list with the
files.clear(), so the only system properties that get instantiated
are those in the geon.properties.  Since you don't have the following
lines from idv.properties:

##When we save the state as a jnlp file we use the given template
application.jnlp.template = /ucar/unidata/idv/resources/template.jnlp

##This is where we find the webstart code release
application.jnlp.codebase = http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/webstart

##Title used in the jnlp file
application.jnlp.title = Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)

the template location is not defined. 

You have two options:

1) remove the files.clear() line from GeonIDV's initPropertyFiles method.


2) add the lines above to geon.properties (modifying to suit your needs)

Also, please note that the "powered by" icon name has been changed
and the old one is not in the distribution (a mistake on our part,
but irreversible at this point).  The line in geon.properties should
now read:

application.splash.iconroll = /ucar/unidata/idv/images/logo_rollover.gif

or just remove it and it will pick up the default, even if you don't
make the change to initPropertyFiles.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ATC-717699
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open