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20050413: RE: 20050412:real-time ingest of Level II data

Hi Chris,

Jeff, fantastic!  Thanks so much for the information.  It's working
great.  The polling feature would be a nice addition to the User Guide.
I didn't see it in there.
Thanks and sorry, our docs are usually a bit behind the current development state.

By the way, one thing I want to point out that confused me originally
(and may confuse others) in this process is within the Data Source
Chooser.  In order to Use Relative Times such as "Most recent file" you
must not highlight on an individual file or else polling will not work.
Instead you should just choose "Most recent file" or "Most recent #
files" and then click Add Source.  Makes sense.  But what confused me
was that when Data Source Chooser pops up and I'm within a directory,
the "Add Source" button remains grey-shaded and I can't click it.  I
have to change my option within "Use Relative Times" once or twice and
then the "Add Source" button will finally turn black and then you can
click it.
Since "Add Source" wasn't turning black originally (and therefore
clickable) when I went into a data directory, I was thinking I had to
select a file even though I wanted the most recent file.  And thus,
polling would not work for me.
That is a problem. Thanks for pointing that out. We only enable the "Load Data" button when
a file has been  selected. We'll fix this in the next release.

Also, note that the polling will find all files in the directory that match the given file pattern. We have recently encountered where the LDM data stream is writing a hidden file (e.g., .KFTG_2005041312) and the polling was picking that up beacuse it matched the pattern (e.g., ".*"). In the next release we ignore
"hidden" files.
