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[IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files
- Subject: [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files
- Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 10:16:26 -0600
Hi Jim,
I apologize for not being able to reply to your inquiry yesterday... as I think
that I said in a previous email, we are all now working from home, so I have to
rely on power and Internet staying up at my house (in the foothills above
to work. Wouldn't you know that the snowstorm that setup here yesterday
in me losing power for 9.5 hours yesterday, so I was isolated while somewhere
between 15 and 19" of snow fell at my house.
> Thanks for your input, but I need a little more help on the making the new
> GOES-W data
> into old AREA file formats, since I'm very rusty on McIDAS, since I really
> haven't
> written any new scripts, since the advent of GINI data.
OK, no worries.
> Here's a brief outline of what I want to do. Through LDM, I receive the new
> GOES-17 IR
> data file in a directory, say ../G17-IR.
OK. For the "files":
You are receiving the full NIMAGE IDD feed. Those are the images that we
are reconstituting from the tiles (stitching together the tiles into full
scenes/images) that are sent in the NOAAPort SBN. All FullDisk images in
the NIMAGE feed have reduced resolutions of 6 km.
By old AREA formats, you are meaning using the projection(s) of
the GOES-13/15 GVAR platforms. I assume that this is so that WXP
will still be able to use the images.
> I want to eventually get the data in old AREA
> file format in a directory, say ../GW-IR, I'm using ".." instead of the
> longer path name
> to abbreviate things for the e-mail.
OK, got it.
> I'd like my script to process just one file at a
> time. I'd have an older formatted GOES-W IR file (e.g.AREA0130) in a
> directory called
> ../MCD-W-IR and the copy to go in ./MCD-W-IRc.
You have twice mentioned GOES-17 above. Is your primary interest in GOES-17
imagery? Just curious...
> According to your outline with some other (I think) necessary entries like
> DSSERV, here
> is what I was thinking I had to do:
> # First add dsserve,k commands to point to the needed datasets and file
> # Path to older dataset
> #
> # Path to copy directory (would I need this is I had a back-up copy for
> AREA0130?)
> #
> # Use IMGCOPY to make a copy (if needed)
> #
> # Set path to new incoming GOES-R dataset file and final dataset of new info
> in old area format
> dsserve.k ADD RTIMAGE/G17-IR TYPE=????(IMAGE) DIR='../G17-IR/20203011200`
> #
> # Remap new G17 data onto old area format file
> imgremap.k RTIMAGE/G17--IR.1 RTIMAGE/GW-IR
> #
> #and do an IMGCHA as needed.
> Questions:
> 1) Is the above on the right track? I have had a problem with making the
> copy. From the
> output messages, It looks like it works, but I find no copy.
The basic concept is correct. I think that the execution will need some
> 2) What GOES-17 input files would be best for making IR, VIS, and WV GOES-W
> AREA files.
The answer depends on the coverages that you want. If you are only
interested in the CONUS/PACUS coverage, then the images in in the NIMAGE
feed are great to use since they have the same resolution as the images
in the full Goes ReBroadcast (GRB) (those images are being distributed
in the IDD SATELLITE feed). If, however, you are interested in FullDisk
coverages, then remapping the already resolution-degraded NIMAGE FullDisk
images into a GOES-15 projection would result in images that are, shall
we say, less than optimum.
> I'm sure I will have more questions later.
I have been working on a script that could be run from an LDM
pattern-action file action for GOES-East (GOES-16) data lately.
This script is a total rewrite of the procedure that has been
creating the GE-xx images that have been included in the UNIWISC
feed for years. The formalism of the script is probably much
more than you would need, but it could be used in your setup
to create images in the old, GOES-13 projection at Plymouth.
I can share this script with you once it is finished (and it
WILL be finished real soon now) if you like.
> BTW, how many years have you been at Unidata?
31 years... yikes!
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SET-184160
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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