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[IDD #XAT-524030]: GOES-16 and -17 imagery

Hi Luis,

> thanks for the note and the information/explanation provided has been very
> useful. I agree with you on the recommended plan.

Very good.

> So far, we are planning to add this entry to our pqact.conf and, to
> ldmd.conf, a request of the new GOES-17 imagery. Of course,
> first, we are going to look for a reduced sample of products such as the
> visible, infrared and water vapor bands from, for example,
> ABI imagery for bands 1, 8 and 14.

Here is an example of the LDM configuration file REQUEST that is
limited to ABI Channels 1, 8 and 14 for all GOES-17 coverages:

REQUEST NIMAGE  "CMIP.{1,2}-M.C(01|08|14)"      idd.unidata.ucar.edu

Quick comment:

The wavelength channels on the new satellites (GOES-16/17) that most
closely match the wavelength channels on the older satellites (GOES-15)
would be:

Channel 02 - 0.64 um
Channel 08 - 6.2  um
Channel 13 - 10.3 um

Despite that, I prefer the Channel 09 (6.9 um) water vapor channel
over the Channel 08 (6.2 um) one.  The only "problem" with the
Channel 02 images is that they are much larger than the Channel 01
images for all coverages except FullDisk where all NOAAPort derived
images (the ones in the revamped NIMAGE feed) have 6 km resolution.

> However, before running LDM with these additions, I am making a quick test
> with the new version of GEMPAK (7.5.1) which was
> just installed from the precompiled version for centos 6. Then, for this
> test, several sample files (from GOES-16 and GOES-17)
> are brought from https://atm.ucar.edu/native/satellite/GOES/... and I
> attempted to make a display with the "gpmap" program to get
> the following image https://met-bcs.cicese.mx/satelite/GOES16_prueba.gif.
> Similar displays, with a map and a black background,
> come from the other sample files. Somehow, I am not able to have the right
> color table but I want to let you know on this brief
> progress report before we concentrate to run LDM to get products from the
> NIMAGE feed. Hopefully, we are in the right way
> to get started on this project! Otherwise, please let me know.

Which file(s) did you download from 
https://atm.ucar.edu/native/satellite/GOES/... ?
The reason I ask is there are two branches under this node, one contains images
that will work in the latest version of GEMPAK, and the other contains images
that will not work in GEMPAK.

Based on the time shown in your attempt to display a Channel 01 image, the
file you should have downloaded for testing would be:


Is this the image you downloaded for your test?

> Have a good weekend

You too.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XAT-524030
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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