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[IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ?

Hi Rosie, et. al,

I have attached a screenshot of the kind of plot that we produce from
the Novra S300N stats gathering that I installed on np1 and np2 yesterday.
The plot represents values from the ~ldm/logs/novras300.log file on np1.

A couple of small comments:

- we found that peaking the C/N when aligning dish pointing was much better
  than peaking signal strength

  Our experience at LSU/SRCC was that there was a wide range of C/N (varied
  from 12 or 13 to 16+) for a very small range in signal strength (a variation
  of 1 or 2 dB).  We used a Tcl script that can sample a Novra S300N several
  times per second when aligning the LSU/SRCC dish because of the flat signal
  indicated by their birddog.

- since the polarization for the NOAAPort broadcast on SES-1 doesn't change,
  doesn't it make sense to peak the reception with respect to polarization
  and then turn off automatic adjustments?

  Just a thought...


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KUD-512290
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed

Attachment: SSEC_NOAAPort_CN_20160505.png
Description: PNG image