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[IDD #MVG-419111]: Forward of moderated message
- Subject: [IDD #MVG-419111]: Forward of moderated message
- Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 08:38:45 -0600
Hi Dave,
> Is it possible to just get a canned data set of around 5-6 hours of
> continuous data, if
> we have problems with the LDM-formatted data?
We do not save off the NOAAPort SBN data in this way, so we would not be able to
help you with this particular request.
> See the last e-mail from Giang Bui from
> 4/14/2014, 10:53 PM. (He is the technical engineer that would work the
> ingest,
> processing of the data.)
Raytheon adopted use of two software packages we developed in AWIPS-II: the LDM
our NOAAPort ingest package. If you have already downloaded the AWIPS-II code
you will
find both packages after doing an installation. The very high level overview of
the use of these packages in AWIPS-II is: the NOAAPort code reads the UDP stream
from the SBN and classifies each product into one of several "datastreams" and
then inserts the products into an LDM queue; the NOAAPort ingest code runs as
part of an overall LDM installation on the ingester. The LDM that is running
then typically relays the data ingested to one or more downstream LDMs where
AWIPS-II processing has been setup to run as actions for the downstream LDM(s).
The LDM makes no change to the products received in the NOAAPort SBN. Given
this, the feeds we have offered to provide you for a limited time simply replace
the ingest portion of the typically AWIPS-II installation. What would be
received by your downstream LDM would be exactly what is needed for EDEX.
> Are you a contractor?
No. Our program is funded by NSF to support U.S. universities in the
acquisition and use of geo-scientific data. Our typical core member
is a U.S. university program in the atmospheric sciences.
> I can only say at the moment that we (LM) have some ideas on how
> to make AWIPS work better, but need data for testing to validate the ideas.
> Sorry for
> the coded language!
No worries. We are getting contacts by entities that are interested in/planning
on bidding on the AWIPS-II re-compete, so your contact is not out of the
Giang asked:
> I see right on the web page of LDM .....
We developed the LDM to move data products (arbitrary collection of bytes) from
point to
point. We developed an Internet Data Distribution (IDD) system based on a mesh
cooperating LDMs to relay mostly atmospheric science data to end-users in
near-real time.
The IDD is the primary way that U.S. universities (and many others) receive
weather data.
> Can we use LDM to gather SBN data?
Yes. The LDM is incorporated into AWIPS-II for this purpose.
> What format will we receive SBN data in?
In the same format as is in the SBN.
> (if we can) Is it the same published SBN data like on the link
> above?
> Then we know how to use it.
Very good.
> If the format is different? How do we convert the data to the SBN data format?
It is not in a different format. The data ingest part of EDEX takes the
data provided to it by an LDM feed (typically from a NOAAport ingest component
which also uses the LDM) and converts it into format(s) that it then serves
to CAVE clients.
> I saw you mentioned that installation of LDM is easy - so it is encouraging
The LDM is bundled with AWIPS-II, so it should already be in-place after
the EDEX portion of an AWIPS-II installation is performed. The thing you
will need to do is familiarize yourself with the LDM setup in the EDEX
installation and REQUEST the NOAAPort-derived datastreams from an upstream
host. Opening up access on such a host is what we said we are willing
to do for a limited amount of time so you can get some real-time data
to use in your testing.
> - I just wondering about the data format that we finally get out of the
> whole process.
Exactly the same as is being used by virtually all sites that are running
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MVG-419111
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed