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[IDD #OAO-715926]: Upstream host for backup LDM
- Subject: [IDD #OAO-715926]: Upstream host for backup LDM
- Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 08:55:59 -0600
Hi Joseph,
> Due to problems we've had with power and network outages in the building
> where we have our LDM server, we've setup a backup LDM machine in another
> building on campus that is on a different network and supplied through a
> different substation. Both machine's networks still communicate via the
> main campus gateway so they aren't completely separate, but that's as good
> as we can do for now.
> The backup machine is just being used to create a rotating archive of the
> same products we capture and process on the primary machine, so if the
> primary has problems we can transfer the data from the backup machine and
> limit the potential dropout. Both are virtual machines and this should
> also give us flexibility when upgrading their software or replacing their
> hardware.
> The backup machine has been feeding from our primary during testing and
> everything appears to be working fine. However, we would like to have the
> backup machine feed from a different upstream host than our primary so
> they are a bit more independent and won't be doubling up the load on our
> existing upstream hosts.
This is reasonable.
> Our primary machine is ldm.nacse.org (, feeds from
> sunny89.atmos.washington.edu (primary) and stokes.metr.ou.edu
> (alternate), and is running v6.8.1.
> Our backup machine is ldm2.nacse.org ( and is running
> v6.10.1.
> We are currently receiving DDPLUS|IDS, HDS, and UNIWISC (plus an EXP from
> MesoWest) as separate feeds.
> If you could suggest an upstream host for our backup LDM, or if you have
> any comments on this setup, it would be most appreciated.
An ALLOW has been added for the feeds you are current receiving on the
UCSD IDD machine aeolus.ucsd.edu. Please test to see if ldm2.nacse.org
can REQUEST feeds from this machine as follows:
<as 'ldm' on ldm2.nacse.org>
notifyme -vl- -f HDS -h aeolus.ucsd.edu
If the 'notifyme' output confirms that you are properly ALLOWed to
REQUEST data, you can go ahead and switch your IDD data REQUESTs
(not the MesoWest EXP REQUEST) to aeolus.ucsd.edu.
If, for some reason, the ALLOW for ldm2.nacse.org is not working
on aeolus.ucsd.edu, please let us know and we will investigate.
One last request:
Can you describe the virtualizing environment and setup you are
using for your LDM virtual machines (e.g., Virtualbox, VMware,
etc.; how many cores allocated to the virtual machine; how
much RAM allocated to the virtual machine; the OS(es) being
run for each virtual machine; the OS of the host machine and
some sort of measure of the hosts capabilities; etc.)? Thanks
in advance for this!
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OAO-715926
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed