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[SCOOP #VLL-588588]: sasquatch broken pipe error?

Hi Gerry,

> > Tom, any chance you can you can log into sasquatch and try to help us
> > troubleshoot a problem with pqact?
>> OK.  I will logon in the next few minutes

> Sounsd good.  Thanks!

Found the problem.  The Bourne shell script you are using to write the
MADIS data, store_MADIS.sh, needed to be able to create the full directory
structure to where the output files were to be written.

My change was simple:

original ~ldm/util/store_MADIS.sh:

gzip -d > $1/$$.$2; F=`echo $2 | cut -c1-13`; mv $1/$$.$2 $1/$F

newly modified ~ldm/util/store_MADIS.sh:

mkdir -p $1
gzip -d > $1/$$.$2; F=`echo $2 | cut -c1-13`; mv $1/$$.$2 $1/$F


Running 'locate' shows that you have multiple copies of 'store_MADIS.sh'
on sasquatch.  I modified the copies in ~ldm/util and ~ldm/decoders.
I did not, however, modify the one located in /usr/local/bin ('ldm' did
not have write permission for this file).


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VLL-588588
Department: Support IDD SCOOP
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed