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20051001:pqact.conf question for CMC-GEM ingest
- Subject: 20051001:pqact.conf question for CMC-GEM ingest
- Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 16:39:30 -0700 (MST)
Hi Matt,
Did you get this message?
Dear users of CMC GEM model data,
As of the 12Z production run on October 18th, 2005, the GEM model dataset
made available via LDM/IDD will be enlarged and enhanced, as described
*Content changes
The main change in contents consists in the addition of several new
vertical levels for the basic meteorological fields of geopotential
height, moisture, temperature, and wind. These will be augmented to 28
pressure levels. Detailed information on available fields is available
at the following URL :
The grid resolution and coverage are almost identical to our current LDM
grid ; the only difference is one additional row of grid points along
the northern edge of the grid. The grid dimensions will then be 135x95
instead of 135x94. New grid specifications can be found at
*New naming convention
In order to accomodate the changes in contents, we need to modify the
file naming convention for the LDM GRIB files. Details of the new
file-naming convention can be found at :
The dataset will be made identical with the GRIB dataset available via
http at :
http://dd.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/public/grib/lores/CMC_reg_12 .
For additional information, please contact:
Yves Pelletier
address@hidden , (514) 421-4662
Acting Chief, Implementation and Operational Services Division
Operations Branch
Canadian Meteorological Centre
If not, here it is, if you still want guidance, let us/me know...
Jeff Weber address@hidden :
Unidata Program Center PH:303-497-8676 :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln :
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000 :
On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Unidata Support wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
> >From: Matthew Jones <address@hidden>
> >Subject: pqact.conf question for CMC-GEM ingest
> >Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> >Keywords: 200510311840.j9VIe47s020758
> Hello:
> I would like to update my pqact.conf to ingest the new CMC grids. Can
> you give me a sample entry that would accommodate receiving the global
> 2x2 resolution grids? Also, are the high-resolution (1x1 or higher res)
> grids available via the CMC feed we currently have access to?
> -matt
> _______________________________________________________________
> Matthew S Jones
> Senior Research Support
> Institute for Terrestrial
> and Planetary Atmospheres
> Marine Sciences Research Center
> SUNY @ Stony Brook
> Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000
> address@hidden
> Endevour Hall, Rm 103 (631-632-3723)
> ______________________________________________________________
> --
> NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
> Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available
> through the web. If you do not want to have your interactions made
> available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.
> ------- End of Forwarded Message