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20050510:IDD Feed to U of Naples Parthenope

Hi Angelo,

Apologies for the tardy response, we attempt to get to these requests
within a week...if not sooner!

I am currently on travel, and did not make others aware of your feed

Yes! It is possible, please look at:


To see what data you desire.

You may want to look at:


..for more detail.

I will also need your full qualified domain name and IP# of the machine
you will be running the LDM on...is your LDM installed and running?


Jeff Weber                                    address@hidden        :
Unidata Program Center                        PH:303-497-8676        :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln       :
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber      Boulder,Co 80307-3000  :

> Dear, I have read about the possibility to obtain real-time observations 
> using ldm.
> I'm configuring ldm, and the next step consists in obtaining an upstream 
> data-feeds.
> I'd like to know if it is possible to become an LDM host.
> I belong to the University of Naples "Parthenope"
> My name is Angelo Riccio
> phone: +390815476613
> e-mail: address@hidden
> regards, Angelo Riccio