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20040630: Level II Nexrad Feed
- Subject: 20040630: Level II Nexrad Feed
- Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 12:57:48 -0600
>From: Adam Taylor <address@hidden>
>Organization: ULM
>Keywords: 200406301714.i5UHENWb016674 IDD Level II
Hi Adam,
>Are you the one to talk to about getting the Level II nexrad feed?? We are
>reworking our weather lab/servers and would like to aquire this feed. What
>information do we need to give you.
As Carl noted in his email to you, we are handling the IDD topology for
NEXRAD Level II redistribution in the Unidata community.
>Our Injesor is tornado.geos.ulm.edu.
OK. The topology for the Level II distribution is still fluid: we will
start off having you feed from Texas A&M, but we will most likely change
you to a different 2nd tier site (all sites feeding the Unidata community
are 2nd tier or lower; the top tiers, Purdue, OU/IRaDS, ERC, and the
MAX feed them).
So, for now, please make your CRAFT request to:
LDM feed host: bigbird.tamu.edu
I just setup bigbird to allow you to feed the Level II data.
One cautionary note: A full feed of the Level II data will require
that you have substantial network bandwidth and storage resources as it
ranges up to 1 GB/hour. How much Level II data do you plan to
One additional comment. We are not seeing LDM-6 real time statistics from
tornado at the moment. Can you verify that its ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf file
still has an uncommented line for running 'rtstats':
exec "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu'
If it does have this line, can you check to see if 'rtstats' is running
and not hung? Probably the easiest thing to do if your ldmd.conf file
is setup correctly is to stop and restart your LDM:
ldmadmin stop
ldmadmin start
No worries.
>Adam Taylor
>Computing Center
>University of Louisiana at Monroe
> Phone (318)-342-3354
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