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20040625: redundant IDD requests
- Subject: 20040625: redundant IDD requests
- Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 16:20:08 -0600
>From: Harry Edmon <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Washington
>Keywords: 200406252153.i5PLrOWb010109 IDD NIMAGE
Hi Harry,
re: feeds on emo that may be redundant to thelma
>The currently line I have in those machines is:
>request NIMAGE "^(sat|satz)/ch[0-9]/" emo.unidata.ucar.edu
This pattern is essentially the same as:
request NIMAGE ".*" emo.unidata.ucar.edu
Your regular expression is essentially getting everything.
>Where should I feed NIMAGE from?
The "operational" machine is thelma.ucar.edu, so I recommend feeding
from it. I would like you to limit the request to one UW machine and
then relay the data internally, however.
I see that freshair has the following feed requests on thelma:
- one request for all of NNEXRAD|FNEXRAD|FSL2|WMO
- CONDUIT feed request split 5 ways
Can you try adding NIMAGE to the NNEXRAD|FNEXRAD|FSL2|WMO request?
request NNEXRAD|FNEXRAD|FSL2|WMO|NIMAGE ".*" thelma.ucar.edu
We can then keep track of the realtime stats to make sure that this is
not too many feeds for a single requesting rpc.ldmd. If it is (i.e.,
if we see latencies climb), I recommend splitting the request as
request NNEXRAD|FNEXRAD|FSL2 ".*" thelma.ucar.edu
request NIMAGE|WMO ".*" thelma.ucar.edu
Thanks for the help!
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>From address@hidden Fri Jun 25 17:05:27 2004
Dr. Harry Edmon E-MAIL: address@hidden
206-543-0547 address@hidden
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences FAX: 206-543-0308
University of Washington, Box 351640, Seattle, WA 98195-1640