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20030924:Delay in GOES data feed


From our statistics page I see that the UNIWISC (GOES-Imagery) feed is
arriving with only 10-30 seconds of latency:


Do these numbers not represent what you are seeing on:


Please see:


Do you have a "middle" machine from vapor to where you are using the
data...cuz they look like they are getting to vapor in a timely manner.

Let us know..

Jeff Weber                                    address@hidden        :
Unidata Program Center                        PH:303-497-8676        :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln       :
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber      Boulder,Co 80307-3000  :

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Unidata Support wrote:

> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: address@hidden
> >cc: address@hidden,
> >cc: Steven Businger <address@hidden>,
> >cc: Ryan Lyman <address@hidden>,
> >cc: "Antti T. Pessi" <address@hidden>
> >From: Tiziana Cherubini <address@hidden>
> >Subject: Delay in GOES data feed
> >Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> >Keywords: 200309242011.h8OKBZk1014138
> TO:  Unidata IDD Support
> For the past two weeks the GOES-10 WV, VIS, IR image files
> have been getting ingested into the IDD at 40 to 1 hour after
> the data time. In normal conditions those data were getting
> to our server approximately 20 minutes after the data time.
> Could you please check on this change and let us know if this
> is a temporary or permanent change?
> In our group (Mauna Kea Weather Center project) we are using the
> GOES-10 images within the LAPS (Local Analysis and Prediction System)
> and a receipt time which is more than 30 minutes after the data
> time does not allow for LAPS to make a useful update.
> Thank you very much.
>               Tiziana Cherubini
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>  Tiziana Cherubini, Ph.D.             Department of Meteorology
>  Research Meteorologist               University of Hawaii
>  Mauna Kea Weather Center             2525 Correa Rd. HIG 367
>                                       Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
>  tel.: (808) 956-4593
>  fax : (808) 956-2877
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> ------- End of Forwarded Message