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20030613: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM?
- Subject: 20030613: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM?
- Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:12:21 -0600
>Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:53:37 -0500
>From: Robert Leche <address@hidden>
>Organization: Louisiana State University
>To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20030613: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM?
The above message contained the following:
> I am not running any sort of traffic shapeing in house. The network
> operators may, but I do not. ULM is feeding HDS from Seistan which in
> turn is feeding from our NOAA port(datoo.srcc.lsu.edu).
> It is my understanding the LSU Office of Telecommunications Center does
> not shape our traffic. I will ask about this.
Yes. Please ask your Telecommunications Center if they're throttling
outbound traffic.
> A few random thoughts:
> Seistan is a Redhat 7.2 system.
> LDM on Seistan and Datoo is: 6.0.13
> Access to theses systems are controlled with ipchains and
> tcp-wrappers. Ipchains is set "wide open" to tornado at ULM. Looking at:
> http://seistan.srcc.lsu.edu/mrtg/tornado.html, I see an outage of some
> sort Sunday. Just note that when the graphs indicates zero it really
> means infinity.
What *is* the quantity plotted on the Y-axis?
> Looking at: http://seistan.srcc.lsu.edu/mrtg/hail.html, suggests good
> uninterupted internet connectivy at LSU to Jackson State. Same with
> connections to thelma: http://seistan.srcc.lsu.edu/mrtg/thelma.html.
> As I do not know which internet (I1 or I2) ULM or Jackson State is
> using, I only know You and I connect via I2.
> Lastly, while I do not want perminate wide area connections to our NOAA
> port, Datoo is available for your testing and emergancy use. If you
> suspect a problem with Seistan, you may configure Torando to by pass
> Seistan and feed directly from Datoo for a short period. This has not
> been tested, so if you run into troubles feeding from Datoo, let me
> know. Datoo is, currently, feeding four in house systems.
We just might take you up on this. If we do, we'll keep it short.
> Robert Leche
> System Administrator
> Louisiana State University - Southern Regional Climate Center
> 260 Howe-Russell Building
> Baton Rouge, La. 70803
> address@hidden
> 225 578 5023
Steve Emmerson