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20030515: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11

>From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200305121843.h4CIhU7U016942 LDM-6 availability IDD rtstats

Hi Deb,

My the first note I sent to you on this bounced since I used an old
email address for you.  I hope that things are fine and you are doing



Unidata LDM Users,

If you are not the appropriate person for the following, please pass
the request along to the appropriate person if s/he is known to you, or
let us know that we should keep looking for the appropriate contact.

I am writing since log files show that your site is currently or has
relatively recently been using the LDM to receive real time data from
the Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) system.  Those logs
further show that the LDM version you are using is old (LDM-5).

Development over the past several months as resulted in a more robust
and reliable implementation of the LDM that is much more efficient in
moving large volumes of data.  The new LDM, LDM-6, is also equipped
with a facility (rtstats) that can report real time statisitics back to
the UPC so that we may better monitor the performance of the IDD and
make adjustments when and where necessary.

We would greatly appreciate you upgrading the current version of the
LDM you are using to our latest release, LDM-6.0.11.

Here is some relevant information for LDM-6.0.11 installation:

Building LDM-6.0.11

  Information on obtaining, building, installing, and configuring
  LDM-6.0.11 can be found online at:


  LDM-6 is only available in source form at this time, so executable
  code must be built at your site.

Reporting real time statistics

  The ldmd.conf entry that needs to be added to report real time
  statistics back to Unidata is:

  exec  "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"

  This 'exec' line should be the last 'exec' line in ldmd.conf.  Please
  remember that after making this modification, you will need to stop
  and restart your LDM:

  <login as 'ldm'>
  <modify ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf>

  ldmadmin stop
  <wait for all LDM processes to exit>
  ldmadmin start

Upgrading a machine from an LDM previous to 5.1.3 to LDM-6

  If you are upgrading a machine that is running an LDM version that is
  older than 5.1.3, you will need to delete and remake your LDM queue.
  This will need to be done _after_ you have built the LDM-6 from source;
  run 'make install' as the user 'ldm';  run 'make install_setuids' as
  'root'; adjusted values in the new LDM's startup script, ldmadmin
  (the most commonly adjusted parameters are: $hostname, $udunits,
  $pq_size, $surf_size, and/or $numlogs); and changed your runtime link
  to point at ldm-6.0.11.

  Deleting and remaking the queue is as simple as:

  ldmadmin delqueue
  ldmadmin mkqueue                  <- this make take some time

We are available to assist you in the upgrade of your LDM and to tune
your IDD data requests (request entries in the ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf).
Please let us know how we can help you!

Thanks in advance...

Tom Yoksas