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Re: Unidata products and services
- Subject: Re: Unidata products and services
- Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 17:04:30 -0700 (MST)
Dear Alex,
This is all good news.
One place to begin is to install the LDM software on your machine.
Please view this URL for information for obtaining the software and
loading the sofware onto your machine:
Please load the latest version which should be 5.2.2
Depending upon your operating system you can either get the binary
distribution or you can compile from source. We suggest the binaries if we
have one for your platform. I will be in San Francisco from Dec 4-11 for
the American Geophysical Union Conference, and will have limited access to
my e-mail. If questions arise during this period please direct them to:
and you will get a prompt response.
I think this will be a productive collaboration and look forward to
working with you.
Thank you,
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________ ______________________
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Fazliev A.Z. wrote:
> Dear Jeff Weber!
> I came back to Tomsk in this morning. Thank you for the letter. I try
> to answer on the one.
> >First, it is not required that you are a member of UCAR to participate in
> >the Unidata community, but it certainly could offer some benefits.
> >Secondly, we would enjoy working with you to begin getting our data and
> >applying our applications for analysis and visulaization. There is no cost
> >for this service.
> >
> I hope I will also enjoy working with you.
> >This letter is intended to open discussions with your institute on the
> >possibility of becoming a top level relay node for Russian universities
> >and research institutes that would like to participate in the Unidata IDD.
> >
> I am ready for communication.
> >What I have in mind is creating an IDD-Russia where your institute could
> >play a significant role.
> >
> That is what we need now.
> >This may be more than you desire, but as we reach out to other countries,
> >we look for a single, or a few, key players to then work with the
> >community within their country to help share and transfer data.
> >Doing some investigating, it appears as if you are associated with the
> >Institute of Atmospheric Optics who seem to be doing some very exciting
> >work. If this is not accurate could you please inform me of your
> >institute.
> >
> Yes, I am a senior researcher in the Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB
> RAS. We designed and implemented a few Internet applications for the
> specialists in the atmospheric optics. You can find them in the
> following addresses http://atmos.iao.ru, http://spectra.iao.ru,
> http://aerosol.iao.ru and http://models.iao.ru. Some of these
> applications are not localized in English. I can write you in details
> later if it will be useful for you.
> >It would also be a great help if you could inform me of what
> >data products you are hoping to receive. For a list of our data streams
> >please visit:
> >
> >http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/ldm/feedtypes/index.html
> >
> >
> I need some time for.
> >Please keep in mind that this data is to be used solely for research and
> >education.
> >
> Our Institute is an institute of the Siberian Branch of the R_ussian
> Academy of Sciences_ <http://www.ras.ru>. The last is not a commercial
> organization.
> >I look forward to working with you in hopes of creating a productive
> >partnership for your science and community.
> >
> >
> I also hope to work with you productively. The isolation is not a good
> form for being.
> Sincerely
> Dr. Alex Fazliev