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Re: Test data stream
- Subject: Re: Test data stream
- Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 16:48:14 -0600 (MDT)
Hello Holger,
This is great news, and I apologize for the less than timely response.
Your request gave us issue to think about what may be the best way to
approach this "pilot project" for the WMO. As you may or may not know,
Unidata is chartered to deliver timely meteorological data to universities
and research institutions that reside in WMO region 4. This charter has
directed us in what data streams to deliver via our LDM/IDD software.
Please see:
for a listing of the data products we currently are distributing via this
mechanism. You will see that no polar orbiting satellites are included in
this collection. We've contacted the University of Wisconsin's Space
Science Engineering Center (who we collaborate with in regards to other
satellite imagery/data distribution, currently GOES-E and GOES-W and some
hemispheric mosaics.
After some light network diagnostics, it appears as if you have a fairly
good connection:
traceroute to talentix.dwd.de (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
1 flra-n140 ( 0.554 ms 0.356 ms 0.336 ms
2 gin-n243-80.ucar.edu ( 0.598 ms 4.444 ms 0.535 ms
3 frgp-gw-1.ucar.edu ( 1.767 ms 2.319 ms 1.621 ms
4 ( 1.584 ms 1.621 ms 1.672 ms
5 kscy-dnvr.abilene.ucaid.edu ( 12.256 ms 12.189 ms
12.591 ms
6 ipls-kscy.abilene.ucaid.edu ( 21.230 ms 21.440 ms 21.691
7 clev-ipls.abilene.ucaid.edu ( 27.631 ms 27.523 ms
28.226 ms
8 nycm-clev.abilene.ucaid.edu ( 40.601 ms 39.824 ms
39.636 ms
9 abilene-gtren.de2.de.geant.net ( 129.151 ms 129.188 ms
129.117 ms
10 de2-1.de1.de.geant.net ( 129.292 ms 129.149 ms 129.068
11 ir-frankfurt2.g-win.dfn.de ( 129.243 ms 129.223 ms
129.287 ms
12 cr-frankfurt1.g-win.dfn.de ( 129.873 ms 129.484 ms
130.041 ms
13 ar-frankfurt2.g-win.dfn.de ( 129.792 ms 130.160 ms
129.690 ms
14 ( 130.980 ms 130.307 ms 130.475 ms
15 * * *
and with zero packet loss:
Hostname %Loss
Rcv Snt Last Best Avg Worst
1. flra-n140.unidata.ucar.edu 0%
36 36 0 0 0 2
2. gin-n243-80.ucar.edu 0%
36 36 0 0 0 1
3. frgp-gw-1.ucar.edu 0%
36 36 1 1 2 6
4. 0%
36 36 1 1 1 4
5. kscy-dnvr.abilene.ucaid.edu 0%
36 36 12 12 12 15
6. ipls-kscy.abilene.ucaid.edu 0%
36 36 21 21 23 73
7. clev-ipls.abilene.ucaid.edu 0%
36 36 28 27 28 30
8. nycm-clev.abilene.ucaid.edu 0%
36 36 39 39 40 42
9. abilene-gtren.de2.de.geant.net 0%
36 36 129 129 129 130
10. de2-1.de1.de.geant.net 0%
36 36 130 129 129 132
11. ir-frankfurt2.g-win.dfn.de 0%
36 36 132 129 130 132
12. cr-frankfurt1.g-win.dfn.de 0%
36 36 130 129 130 143
13. ar-frankfurt2.g-win.dfn.de 0%
36 36 132 129 133 216
14. 0%
35 36 131 129 130 132
15. ???
I think this text wrapped incorrectly, but out of 36 packets sent 0 were
We suggest for the original test, to try one of the WMO "feedgroup" which
includes :
WMO = FT0 | FT1 | FT2 | FT3
Predefined feed set name for PPS,DDS, HDS, or IDS.
Perhaps it may be best to start with the IDS, and work up to the rest.
Unless you have a desire for US products and model output.
And to test satellite imagery distribution, a product that may be of
interest could be a N. Hemisphere composite..this product comes out every
3 hours.
scroll to bottom, for the N Hemisphere satellite composite.
I think it would be best to feed you from our location at NSF(Nat'l
Science Foundation)
We had hoped to try and honor your request for the ATOVS data, but we are
not currently ingesting and delivering that product, and feel it is best
not to have too many variables open at one time. We hope to include polar
orbiting sats in the future and may be able to test the ATOVS prod with
you in the future, but we would prefer to stay with our current data
stream for this pilot project.
In regards to distributing this data to places other than your home
institution I ask you to read:
In addition, although we seldom have data outages, we do not currently
guarantee "operational" status of our data delivery system, we do not have
24/7 support...maybe someday, but not currently.
In general, an IDD request can be filled in a day, but we wanted to
investigate the possibility of satisfying your ATOVS request, hence the
The machine that you will be "feeding" from for the test period will be:
and I will place an
"allow WMO|NIMAGE" for your machine:
You should request
request DDPLUS|IDS "^[^S]" atm.geo.nsf.gov
request DDPLUS|IDS "^S[AR]" atm1.geo.nsf.gov
request DDPLUS|IDS "^S[^AR]" atm2.geo.nsf.gov
For all WMO text products..
and for sat imagery,
request NIMAGE "TIC" atm3.geo.nsf.gov
This is for the N Hemisphere imagery..
As you can see we are feeding from atm atm1 and atm2 and atm3, so in your
etc/hosts file you will want to create these aliases from :
This helps "split the feed" and reduce computer overhead.
you may decide you want other imagery, if so please reference:
for header information.
Thank you for your interest in the Unidata LDM/IDD.
Please let me know if you have any questions..
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________ ______________________
On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Holger Kiehl wrote:
> Dear Sir
> The Interprogramm Task Team of WMO has decided to use the IDD software
> as a pilot project to test if the Internet is suitable to distribute
> WMO data. Prof. Hoffmann, the chairman of this team, has assigned
> to me the task to setup the IDD software and to receive a data stream,
> if possible ATOVS satellite data.
> The IDD software is now setup and running. To receive the data feed
> source, you asked for the following information:
> Site Administrator : Holger Kiehl
> Email Address : address@hidden
> Phone Number : +49 69 8062 2562
> FQH : talentix.dwd.de (
> I would appreciate it if you could send me the source of this stream
> and some hints on how to set up this correctly.
> Regards,
> Holger Kiehl