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Re: ULM connection
- Subject: Re: ULM connection
- Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 14:40:52 -0600 (MDT)
Hi Adam,
I am in a conference today, but will look into this tonight.
Are you requesting MCIDAS from your upstream host?
Do they have an allow for you for MCIDAS?
We have a slightly different topology for NNEXRAD feeds so I will look
into that for you, but for MCIDAS you should be getting that from your
current host. I will investigate further, but I believe your primary feed
is LSU so would contact them regarding your allow and cc me on the
Site contact info can be found at:
Sorry for being brief, but I am on a break and must get back to conference
by 3:00 MST
LSU may also be able to feed you NNEXRAD as well.
Please see:
for feedtype designation and grouping...
Good luck and please cc me on any correspondence,
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
NWS-COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________ ______________________
On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, adam taylor (994) wrote:
> Dear Jeff Weber:
> My name is Adam Taylor. I am currently working with Dr. Eric Pani
> on our new ldm machine (tornado.geos.ulm.edu) . We have noted that we are
> not currently recieving the MCIDAS feed. We were wondering when we would
> be recieving this feed. We also would like the NEXRAD feed and were
> wondering about that too.
> Thank You,
> Adam Taylor
> Dr. Eric Pani