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Re: IDD Statistics
- Subject: Re: IDD Statistics
- Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:50:07 -0700 (MST)
On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Anthony Rockwood - MSCD Meteorology wrote:
> Robb,
> My $log_path looks ok (usr/local/ldm/logs) and I ran
> % mailpqstats -d /usr/local/ldm/logs -h wxbox.mscd.edu
> I now see a file in usr/local/ldm/logs called ldmbinstats.upc.
> So, what does this mean?
UPC got the data:
ldm-5.1.2 wxbox.mscd.edu 2000121318 HDS 2136 28013272 +
20001213182058 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 305.94 379@0011
ldm-5.1.2 wxbox.mscd.edu 2000121318 HDS 484 6917762 +
20001213182055 sunshine.ssec.wisc.edu 304.69 380@0000
ldm-5.1.2 wxbox.mscd.edu 2000121318 IDS|DDPLUS 3237 3228892 +
20001213182057 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 301.40 379@0011
It appears to be a permissions problem or a $PATH problem. What user did
you use to run the mailpqstats script? At this point,
I would enter the following line into the crontab file:
35 * * * * bin/mailpqstats -d /usr/local/ldm/logs -h wxbox.mscd.edu
and check to see if the ldmbinstats.upc is updated hourly. If it
works, I would let it alone.
> 1) that this file was sent to you,
> 2) that it will continue to be sent to you,
> 3) I need to do something else to make 1 and 2 happen.
> Tony
> ****************************************************************************
> Anthony A. Rockwood Metropolitan State College of Denver
> Meteorology Program Dept.of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
> 303.556.8399 P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 22
> address@hidden Denver, CO 80217-3362
> fax: 303.556.4436 www.mscd.edu/~eas
> ****************************************************************************
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/