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Re: 20000707: duplicate question
- Subject: Re: 20000707: duplicate question
- Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 14:48:23 -0600 (MDT)
I am not sure what you are looking for.
There are no logins or passwords required from Unidata to operate the LDM
or IDD. Only those specific to your machine and environment.
Are you in contact with Cristina Lozej?
She is our contact point at
Let me know if I can be of further assistance,
Jeff Weber
Unidata/NWS-COMET Case Study Library
University Corp for Atmospheric Research
On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Unidata Support wrote:
> Jeff,
> This is probably related to the previous question sent to you
> from stanford.
> Chiz
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: address@hidden
> >From: "Mark Z. Jacobson" <address@hidden>
> >Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> >Keywords: 200007071932.e67JWAT08351
> Hi,
> I recently signed up to receive Unidata data and was told to email
> this address to obtain a login and password. Would it be possible to obtain
> one?
> Thank you very much,
> Sincerely,
> Mark Jacobson
> *************************************************************************
> Mark Jacobson, Assistant Professor
> Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
> Stanford University Phone: 650-723-6836
> Terman Engineering Center, Room M-13 Fax: 650-725-9720
> Stanford, CA 94305-4020 Email: address@hidden
> Web sites: http://www-cive.stanford.edu/jacobson/
> http://efml.stanford.edu/FAMbook/FAMbook.html
> *************************************************************************
> ------- End of Forwarded Message