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Workstation version of Eta (fwd)
- Subject: Workstation version of Eta (fwd)
- Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:38:43 -0600 (MDT)
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:24:24 -0600
From: Steve Chiswell <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: Workstation version of Eta (fwd)
Though some of you might be interested in seeing that NCEP is
making a workstation version of ETA available. NWS/Universities
will be hot for this.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:02:30 -0400
From: Geoff DiMego <address@hidden>
Subject: Workstation version of Eta
On behalf of Louis Uccellini, Director of NCEP, and Steve Lord, Acting
Director of EMC, I am pleased to announce availability of a workstation
version of the Eta Model. Included are codes to facilitate a local
application at high resolution, terrain and other fixed field data sets,
codes to extract initial and lateral boundary conditions from grids
downloaded from the NCEP or OSO servers and a post-processor code which
allows generation of a myriad of gridded output in GRIB. Matt Pyle has
performed the herculean task and, together with those listed in the
acknowledgments, deserves our praise and gratitude.
PLEASE NOTE our requisite disclaimer: "It should be clear to the user
that the codes and manual are made available in their present form and
status and that NCEP makes no commitment to provide the user with any
kind of further support in their local configuration, testing,
maintenance or upgrading. The codes can be used for research or
experimental forecasting, but cannot be provided to any other individual
or organization without prior authorization by the NCEP. Furthermore,
publications which include results obtained using the NCEP Eta
workstation codes should acknowledge receipt of the codes from NCEP."
and the NWS disclaimer on Use of Data and Products reproduced at the end
of the e-mail.
Without further ado, her is what Matt Pyle wrote:
An initial workstation version of the Eta is now available (really!) It
has been tested on SGI, HP and IBM workstations (and compilers). While
this doesn't cover all existing platforms, we feel an early release has
more value than the perfectly complete one that comes a decade from now.
This self-contained modeling package can be downloaded via anonymous FTP
from ftp.ncep.noaa.gov. Once logged in, cd to /pub/gcp/wrkstn_eta and
download the wrkst_package.tar.Z file. One major word of caution
upfront:this rendition of the package REQUIRES a FORTRAN 90 compiler.
A FORTRAN 77 product may be developed in the coming months, but for now
FORTRAN 90 is required!
Topography files are also located in this directory and must be
downloaded separately. The topography data are stored in latitudinal
strips covering 10 degrees of latitude from 180W to 40W. The file name
indicates the southern latitude of the strip. Files residing in this
directory cover between 10N and 80N. Download the strips that will
cover your expected domain(s).
Also download a copy of the user's manual, available in beautiful
postscript and .pdf (Adobe Acrobat Reader, freeware downloadable at
http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html) documents, and an
ASCII file as well. These files all have the same information and are
named manual.ps, manual.pdf, and manual.ascii. The manual describes in
some detail how to install and use the package. Much effort was spent
in writing and verifying the accuracy of these instructions; please let
it be your first source of information regarding the workstation
version of the model.
Uncompress the wrkst_package.tar.Z file, and follow the instructions for
installation and use of the package.
If you download the package, please send us an e-mail so we can keep a
list of workstation Eta users. There is no sinister motive at work
here; despite the disclaimer above, it will just allow us to more easily
notify you of user meetings, code updates, improvements, problems, etc
that might be made available in the future.
A reference list included in the manual provides a more thorough list of
individuals responsible for the Eta model's primary development (dating
to the original work on the Eta by Mesinger and Janjic). The following
is intended to acknowledge those who have most directly aided this
current workstation release. The direct predecessor of this release was
received courtesy of John Snook, then of FSL, in the fall of 1998. His
package had integrated codes originally developed by the European
(Yugoslavian/Greek) Eta community and by the Environmental Modeling
Center at NCEP. I've tried to improve them and make them into a
user-friendly package. Recent work has incorporated the latest NCEP
operational codes. Guidance on converting the Cray C-90 code into a
portable workstation code was provided by Michael Baldwin. The work-
station version of the post-processor was made possible by the GRIB
utilities developed by Mark Iredell of NCEP.
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