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Re: [Fwd: Status of NOAAPORT IDD Feed]
- Subject: Re: [Fwd: Status of NOAAPORT IDD Feed]
- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 10:34:44 -0700 (MST)
The alden NOAAport machine is now available for a backup for SSEC. It's
called nport.alden.com I would use the IP number because
the name doesn't resolve all the time. If there are any problems let me
On Tue 22 Dec 1998, Chad Johnson wrote:
> Bob Fox wrote:
> > - Does Wisc. understand the future software changes?
> >
> > Unidata staff are planning to contact the WI folks about a better way
> > to handle sequence numbers, but this may not have occurred yet. I
> > have mentioned to Bob Fox that we eventually want to move toward a
> > product form that incorporates all of the NOAAport metadata (and
> > therefore looks less like products from FOS), but the details have yet
> > to be discussed. Our intention is to plan such a transition
> > carefully, perhaps in 2-3 months
> Dave and Robb,
> We have made changes to the ingest software such that the sequence
> number does sequence, but have not installed the change on our
> operational system. Reading the descriptions contained in this memo, I'm
> not sure our modification will solve the problem of locating duplicate
> products from duplicate sources. With the software change, the sequence
> number starts at one (1) when the ingestor is started and sequences up
> from there. After reaching 999, it rolls back to 1. With more than one
> source, the sequence number on a particular product from multiple
> ingestors will likely not be equal. This may be a mute point after Alden
> switches from FOS to NOAAPORT, but if it is possible that a site can
> receive the same product from more than one NOAAPORT source (after
> reading the 'ring' description below, I believe this to be true), then
> we should look into this further.
> > - Can you send him a diagram?
> >
> > I'll try to do that in the next few days. In simple terms, the
> > downlink sites form a ring. Each listens to its own satellite feed
> > and simultaneously listens to one neighbor; as long as the downlink is
> > functioning, products from the neighbor are rejected as duplicates.
> > If the downlink fails AND data are not flowing from the neighbor, the
> > remedy is to reconfigure the LDM to listen to a DIFFERENT neighbor.
> > Such reconfiguration is probably best done manually, but the process
> > can be automated if we think it's necessary.
> If I understand this correctly, Wisconsin should be part of the ring.
> Looking at our configuration I don't believe we are. We are not feeding
> from anybody. Should we be? We are sending data to thelma.ucar.edu,
> wcfields.unidata.ucar.edu, and zero.unidata.ucar.edu. I am guessing
> thelma is part of the ring, and wcfields and zero are top-level relays.
> Should I add a WMO request from thelma.ucar.edu. I agree, a diagram
> would be helpful.
> Chad
> --
> Chad W. Johnson E-mail: address@hidden
> Programmer/Meteorologist Voice: (608) 265-5292
> Space Science and Engineering Center Fax: (608) 263-6738
> University of Wisconsin -- Madison
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/