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RE: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd)
- Subject: RE: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd)
- Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:34:16 -0700 (MST)
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 15:48:38 -0500
From: Dan Vietor <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden, Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
Daniel Vietor <address@hidden>, address@hidden
Subject: RE: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport
> At SSEC, our NOAAPORT ingestor is receiving 3-hourly forecasts grids
> from the MRF in projection 213 out to 24 hours and 3-hourly forecast
> grids from the ETA in projections 212 and 215. We are also
> receiving the
> RUC 3-hourly runs. -XCD is decoding all of them just fine. Perhaps you
> are not receiving the grid projections that contain 3-hourly
> forecasts.
Watch out here. The ETA model comes in on both grids 211 and 212. The
212 grids are double the resolution of the 211. There is 3 hourly grids
on 212 but these only include surface temperature, dewpoint, max/min
temp, winds plus precipitation. None of the upper level grids come in
on 212 or at 3 hourly resolution. I will put a more comprehensive list
out on the Unisys web site.
Daniel Vietor Mail: address@hidden
Unisys Corp Title: Engineer/Meteorologist
221 Gale Lane Phone: 610-444-2407
Kennett Square PA 19348 Fax: 610-444-2420