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- Subject: [GEMPAK #KEM-906024]: GEMPAK - SIGBUFR
- Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:28:01 -0600
Hello Flavio,
I believe the error is due to the SIGBUF24 entry in $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl
not being where the BUFR files reside. I have sigwx BUFR files stored to
$GEMDATA/sigwx/bufrfiles, the default configuration, and I can reproduce the
error that you are seeing by intentionally misspelling the directory in
the default entries for 18 and 24 hr forecasts are:
$/data/ldm/gempak/sigwx/bufrfiles> grep bufrfiles $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl
CAT_NIL SCAT_NIL -1 -1 -1 OFF/0/0 4
CAT_NIL SCAT_NIL -1 -1 -1 OFF/0/0 4
So you only need to change the SIGBUFR24 directory to $SIGWX - or move the data
files to $SIGWX/bufrfiles, then run sigbufr again and you should see the text
files written to local directory.
> SIGBUFR converts all the High Level (SWH) and Mid Level (SWM) Significant
> Weather BUFR files for a specified date/time and forecast hour to at most
> two ASCII output files using the UKMET browsable dataset format. INPUT
> PARAMETERS sigbufr YYMMDD/HHNN FF hi_outfile.name+mid_outfile.name sigbufr
> Program name YYMMDD/HHNN GEMPAK date/time YY - year, MM - month, DD
> - day, HH - hour, NN - minutes FF Valid forecast hour (must be 18
> or 24) outfile.name Output file names (optional)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I would like to get some help with this program.
> I'm typing the parameters below and getting the error message:
> " No BUFR files found for 140324/0600F24"
> previsor@ldm-gempak-cnma:/data/ldm/data/gempak/sigwx$ sigbufr 140324/0600 24
> hi_sigwxhi.txt+mid_sigwxmid.txt
> [SIGBUFR -2] No BUFR files found for 140324/0600F24
> [SIGBUFR 6] Feature count is 0
> [CAS -2] Cannot close file mid_sigwxmid.txt
> previsor@ldm-gempak-cnma:/data/ldm/data/gempak/sigwx$
> The bufr files are placed in the following directory:
> /data/ldm/data/gempak/sigwx , as shown below.
> previsor@ldm-gempak-cnma:~$ $SIGWX
> -bash: /data/ldm/data/gempak/sigwx: Is a directory
> previsor@ldm-gempak-cnma:~$ cd /data/ldm/data/gempak/sigwx
> previsor@ldm-gempak-cnma:/data/ldm/data/gempak/sigwx$ ls
> 20140324_0600_JUBE99_KKCI.bufr 20140324_0600_JUTE00_KKCI.bufr
> JUME00.2014032406
> 20140324_0600_JUCE00_KKCI.bufr 20140324_0600_JUVE00_KKCI.bufr
> JUNE00.2014032406
> 20140324_0600_JUJE00_KKCI.bufr 20140324_0600_JUWE96_KKCI.bufr
> JUOE00.2014032406
> 20140324_0600_JUME00_KKCI.bufr JUBE99.2014032406
> JUTE00.2014032406
> 20140324_0600_JUNE00_KKCI.bufr JUCE00.2014032406-CAT
> JUVE00.2014032406
> 20140324_0600_JUOE00_KKCI.bufr JUJE00.2014032406
> JUWE96.2014032406.bufr
> Thanks!
> Flavio Cerqueira
> Aviation Weather service-Brazil
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KEM-906024
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Open