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[GEMPAK #NZZ-240543]: Several questions

If you are using SFMAP to plot nldn lightning strikes, you can specify the 
exact time down to 5-min intervals using DATTIM.

Using the GEMPAK tutorial example below ( 
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/gempak/tutorial/answers/exam_5.html ), you 
can see that the variable HOUR is incremented by one for each "while($HOUR <= 
$STOP_HOUR)" loop (as is the variable COLOR).


set HOUR = 20
set YMD = 20100614

@ MIN = 0
@ STOP_MIN = 30

@ COLOR=30

while($MIN <= $STOP_MIN)

   if($MIN < 10) then
      set SFTIME=${HOUR}0${MIN}
      set SFTIME=${HOUR}${MIN}

   set FILE=201006142000_nldn.gem
   set TIMES=`sfctime $FILE`

   foreach TIME ($TIMES)
      sfmap << EOF
      map = 1
      dev = XW
      proj = nps
      area = dset
      filter = no
      clear = no
      text = 1.2/23/1/hw
      title = 5/-1/Lightning Strikes ${SFTIME}Z
      panel = .02;.02;.97;.97/1/1/4
      sffile = $FILE
      sfparm = sgnl;mark:15:4:1
      color = 0;${COLOR}
      dattim = $TIME
      @ MIN = $MIN + 5
      @ COLOR = $COLOR - 1


* note that variable SFTIME is only used here to write the TITLE - each 5-min 
interval is accounted for by the "foreach TIME ($TIMES)" control structure.

* also note that TITLE is going to overlap itself for each 5-min interval and 
it's position will need to be accounted for if you wish to customize titles and 

> Third question involves plotting lightning data.  I used the example scripts
> on the Gempak tutorial page to help me put together a script to plot the
> lightning data at hourly intervals.  I would like to see a script of how to
> plot the data at 1, 5, and 15 minute intervals.  I am not sure how to
> proceed an am a little confused here with how to set up the script to
> display this.  I'm getting the files at 30 minute intervals but within each
> file you can break down the intervals to at least 5 minutes (I'm hoping for
> 1 minute as well).  So if you could help me on this that would be great.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NZZ-240543
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Critical
Status: Open