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[LDM #UFY-198367]: Limited processing and decoding of NAM data
- Subject: [LDM #UFY-198367]: Limited processing and decoding of NAM data
- Date: Sat, 03 May 2008 09:59:54 -0600
Hi Dan,
I saw that you had called yesterday when I was not in the office. Sorry I
your call (but email is better for most support interactions)...
> I am currently ingesting NAM212 data, but when I view the decoded files I only
> have the F000-F024 available.
View how? Is your comment made on access in GEMPAK, or are you looking at
listings on your disk?
> I've been keeping 3 days worth of decoded data and they all contain only F000
> - F024.
> However, My dcgrib2_NAM212 log shows products being decoded beyond F024 being
> processed.
I am a novice when it comes to GEMPAK support, so please bear with me...
I just checked the GEMPAK 5.11.1 installation we have here at the UPC, and it
to be decoding all of the NAM212 data. However, our machine is ingesting the
datastream in addition to CONDUIT, so that may be the difference in our holdings
and yours.
- our data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_NAM212.log log file does not indicate which
hours are being decoded. Here is the current content of our
~ldm/data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_NAM212.log log file:
[25113] 080502/1943[DC 3] Starting up. Version 5.11.1
[25113] 080502/1943[DC -11] No command line arguments found.
[25113] 080502/2039[DC 5] Normal termination.
[25113] 080502/2039[DC 2] Number of bulletins read and processed: 1841
[25113] 080502/2039[DC 6] Shutting down.
[9107] 080503/0744[DC 3] Starting up. Version 5.11.1
[9107] 080503/0744[DC -11] No command line arguments found.
[9107] 080503/0843[DC 5] Normal termination.
[9107] 080503/0843[DC 2] Number of bulletins read and processed: 1847
[9107] 080503/0843[DC 6] Shutting down.
Notice that the log output does not contain any reference to the forecast
hours being processed.
Can you send us your data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_NAM212.log file?
> What am I missing?
Good question. I don't know yet.
> Where is the decoded data going
> if not into the file indicated in the pqact configuration?
Another good question. I should be able to help more when I see
the contents of your dcgrib2 nam212 log file.
By the way, the contents of the directory where I expected to find
the NAM 212 decoded files on our machine does not contain the
earlier forecasts:
2008043012_icwf212.gem 2008050112_nam211.gem 2008050212_nam215.gem
2008043012_nam104.gem 2008050112_nam212.gem 2008050212_nam237.gem
2008043012_nam211.gem 2008050112_nam215.gem 2008050218_nam104.gem
2008043012_nam212.gem 2008050112_nam237.gem 2008050218_nam212.gem
2008043012_nam215.gem 2008050118_nam104.gem 2008050218_nam215.gem
2008043012_nam237.gem 2008050118_nam212.gem 2008050218_nam237.gem
2008043018_nam104.gem 2008050118_nam215.gem 2008050300_icwf212.gem
2008043018_nam212.gem 2008050118_nam237.gem 2008050300_nam104.gem
2008043018_nam215.gem 2008050200_icwf212.gem 2008050300_nam211.gem
2008043018_nam237.gem 2008050200_nam104.gem 2008050300_nam212.gem
2008050100_icwf212.gem 2008050200_nam211.gem 2008050300_nam215.gem
2008050100_nam104.gem 2008050200_nam212.gem 2008050300_nam237.gem
2008050100_nam211.gem 2008050200_nam215.gem 2008050306_nam104.gem
2008050100_nam212.gem 2008050200_nam237.gem 2008050306_nam212.gem
2008050100_nam215.gem 2008050206_nam104.gem 2008050306_nam215.gem
2008050100_nam237.gem 2008050206_nam212.gem 2008050306_nam237.gem
2008050106_nam104.gem 2008050206_nam215.gem 2008050312_icwf212.gem
2008050106_nam212.gem 2008050206_nam237.gem 2008050312_nam104.gem
2008050106_nam215.gem 2008050212_icwf212.gem 2008050312_nam211.gem
2008050106_nam237.gem 2008050212_nam104.gem 2008050312_nam212.gem
2008050112_icwf212.gem 2008050212_nam211.gem 2008050312_nam215.gem
2008050112_nam104.gem 2008050212_nam212.gem 2008050312_nam237.gem
Seeing your list of the same output directory, ~ldm/data/gempak/model/nam,
should help me figure out what is going on.
> Configuration Info.....
> Queue size 2G
> Request lines from the ldmd.conf:
> REQUEST CONDUIT "[09]$" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
> REQUEST CONDUIT "[18]$" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
> REQUEST CONDUIT "[27]$" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
> REQUEST CONDUIT "[36]$" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
> REQUEST CONDUIT "[45]$" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
This is all good. I wish we could receive your real time statistics as this
would allow me to determine if you are, in fact, getting all of the CONDUIT
data that you are requesting.
> Current pqact configuration (pqact.gempak_decoders)
> HDS | CONDUIT ((/mNAM | /mNMM).*#212 | prod/nam.*awip3d)
> PIPE decoders | dcgrib2 -d
> data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_NAM212.log
> -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/GEMPAK5.11.1/gempak/tables
> Data/gempak/model/nam/YYYYMMDDHH_nam212.gem
> (I've tested the expression above in "notifyme" and it appears to be working
> fine)
Again, please send:
- the dcgrib2_NAM212.log file
- a listing of ~ldm/Data/gempak/model/nam/*.gem
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UFY-198367
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed