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[GEMPAK #AJO-748565]: GEMPAK - Possible problem with 5.10 decoder
- Subject: [GEMPAK #AJO-748565]: GEMPAK - Possible problem with 5.10 decoder
- Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:16:34 -0600
I don't have old binaries for several reasons, including
storage space, the rapid change of the Linux environment making
old binaries obsolete, and old versions containing old bugs.
It sounds to me like you have a basic clock problem on your system, and/or
the file template and maxmimum number of times in a file is exceeding an
old file that is trying to be written to. The 4 hours is suspiciously
close to the EST/EDT + 1 hour in the future combination if that is the
time zone configured on your computer.
Ideally, the decoder action for metars uses -m 72 and a template
of YYYYMMDD for 72 hourly time bins in a daily file so that three 20 minute
bins per hour exist. If your clock/timedone is off or you are not using a time
template but instead are trying to use a set filename, you may be encountering
problems with arriving at a 0Z to 4Z time for yesterday instead, or
a correct tiume, but your output file is already full of times rather
than containing the current days times.
Check your UTC and local time (date; date -u) to ensure you have correctly
configured your new machine. Then check your file template and maximum number of
times in the file. If you still have trouble, please provide me with your
command line for dcmetr that you are attempting to use along with any log
It would help iuf you set the decoder verbose level to 4 for degugging
as well ( -v 4 ).
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport
> Institution: smiths detection
> Package Version: 5.6f
> Operating System: linux
> Hardware Information: dual quad xeon
> Inquiry: Hi
> We ported from a Solaris 8 to a Linux machine and used the Linux GEMPAK
> binaries for 5.10 (latest). Our Solaris system uses 5.6f and is running
> fine. The new system seems to be dropping surface data observations for
> a 4 hour period from 0z to 4z and then it starts to pass all the
> observations through again until 0z. We are using dcmetr and sflist to
> decode and parse the data. I would like to try a 5.6f Linux version of
> these two but the binaries on the new machine but they are not
> posted/available. I have been trying to compile 5.6f on our Linux
> machine to create the binaries for these two programs but have not yet
> been able to after spend tons of time on it.
> If you have the a Linux executable/binaries for 5.6f or something
> around this version for just these two programs that you could send me,
> that would be great. That is all I need in order to continue debugging
> what is going on with this system. I hope you can help me with these
> two GEMPAK programs. Any help would be appreciated.
> Steve
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AJO-748565
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed