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[GEMPAK #WPX-538404]: getting started
- Subject: [GEMPAK #WPX-538404]: getting started
- Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 11:11:45 -0600
> I just created a *.gem file from wrf data. Thanks Steve for your information
> on that issue (compiling code utilizing a gempak lib)
> Now time to use gempak to look at it, but this error doesn't mean anything to
> me. So I apologize for this kindergarten question. When running gdcntr or
> gdwind, I'm getting:
> [GEMPLT -101]
> [IP -10] GDWIND
> [GDWIND -3]
> Error in message send = 22
> itype, ichan, nwords,0,0,3
> What is it telling me? I am running GEMPAK on a remote machine and will be
> looking at it here on my PC. But I don't think that is the problem as an
> export DISPLAY didn't change anything. Could you please advise.
It appears that either you haven't sourced the GEMPAK environment for your
shell, or you
haven't set the NAWIPS location vaiable correctly in $NAWIPS/Gemenviron (for
csh) or
$NAWIPS/Gemenviron.profile (for sh/bash/ksh).
The error of "message send" means most likely that $GEMEXE isn't correctly
added to your path,
and the other log lines will be much more informative when the GEMERR and
GEMPDF environmental
variables are defined (all of which will be done when you "source Gemenviron"
or ". Gemenviron.profile".
You must edit the NAWIPS location in those files as described in the
installation instructions.
You should also run "cleanup -c" after you fix the above problems to cleanup
the message queues that
you may have failed to close due to your errors above.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WPX-538404
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed