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20050823: $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults
- Subject: 20050823: $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults
- Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 10:05:22 -0600 (MDT)
Hi David,
Steve Chiswell, our GEMPAK guru, is away on vacation...I run GEMPAK on
Solaris x86, so I hope I can help out some..
I am attaching the Garp_defaults file from:
I hope this helps.
Jeff Weber address@hidden :
Unidata Program Center PH:303-497-8676 :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln :
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000 :
On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Steve Emmerson wrote:
> Guys,
> Can you help David? I have no idea what he's talking about. :-(
> Regards,
> Steve Emmerson
> ------- Original Message
> Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 16:39:44 -0500
> From: David Magee <address@hidden>To: Steve Emmerson <steve@unidata.u
> car.edu>
> Subject: $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults
> Steve-
> would you mind sending me an example of
> the file contents for $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults ?
> I'm trying to get gemapk 5.8.3a running on Sun Sparc /solaris 10
> and it's going to drive me crazy! I've got plenty of ldm experience,
> but no gempak experience. OJT is tough on this one!! :)
> Thanks-
> David
> ------- End of Original Message
# Garp configuration file
# The syntax needed in the file is:
# token : resource
# where:
# - token is defined as a string delimited by white space or ","
# - the delimiter between token and resource is the :,
# - no white space needs to surround the delimiter,
# - comments are indicated by a #,
# neither token nor resource can begin with a # or :,
# however a # or a : can be embedded within resource,
# - resource can contain white space if it is bounded by
# the ' or " characters,
# - blank lines are allowed.
# - referbacks are indicated by $(...). The '...' is resolved
# the same way any other token is, and is substituted for
# the $(...) string to compose the final resource value.
# - Multiple referbacks are allowed in a resource, but
# embedded referbacks are not allowed (i.e. no
# $($(...)) allowed).
# - case for the token is significant
# LOG:
# D.Himes/COMET 4/96 Beta dist version
# P.Bruehl/NWS 4/96 Documented, reorganized
# P.Bruehl/NWS 5/96 Added SD's keys for file names
# P.Bruehl/NWS 5/96 Updated for GARP release 0.1
# P.Bruehl/NWS 8/96 Updated for GARP release 0.2
# J.Cowie/NWS 10/96 Updated for GARP release 1.0
# S.Drake/COMET 1/97 Added keys for upper air profile object.
# P.Bruehl/NWS 1/97 Updated for GARP 1.03 release
# S.Drake/COMET 4/97 Added keys for 1.0.4
# P.Bruehl/NWS 4/97 Updated for GARP 1.04 release
# S.Chiswell/Unidata 5/97 New & corrected map areas and projections
# S.Drake/COMET 7/97 Added keys for GARP release 2.0
# S.Drake/COMET 10/98 Added wind profiler keys for release 2.02
# S.Drake/COMET 8/99 Removed chapter "default" from FDF directories
# S.Chiswell/Unidata 5/97 New!! Added use of GEMPAK template datatype.tbl
# file for grids so that models don't have to be
# stored all in the same directory.
# Garp will seach datatype.tbl first for modelkey,
# then use the old directory search if not found
# in the GEMPAK template file.
# Data directory Structures
# Case is important
# Configure these to match your data directory structure
# (Surface data directories defined later)
GARPHOME : $(NAWIPS)/comet/garp/
grids : $(HDS)
upperair : $(GEMDATA)/upperair
profiler : $(GEMDATA)/profiler
# Provide extra information for the satellite data
# List each individual satellite directory
# Multiple entries are space separated
G7 : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-7"
G8 : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-8"
G9 : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-9"
G10 : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-10"
G11 : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-11"
G12 : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-12"
FLOAT1 : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-8_fl1 $(SATDIR)/GOES-9_fl1 $(SATDIR)/GOES-10_fl1
FLOAT2 : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-8_fl2 $(SATDIR)/GOES-9_fl2 $(SATDIR)/GOES-10_fl2
MDR : "$(SAT)/MDR"
# sat, nids, and nowrad are the "keys" that are used to find
# the image data directories
# Be sure each individual satellite directory listed above is in
# the "sat" key list
sat : "$(G7) $(G8) $(G10) $(G11) $(G12) $(GINI) $(FLOAT1) $(FLOAT2)
nids : $(RADDIR)/NIDS
#nowrad : $(RADDIR)/USRAD
# File name keys
# Upper air & profile only
# (keys for surface and model data files are defined later)
# These key values correspond to the "type" substring in the file
# name convention for a upper air & profile data types. For example,
# YYMMDD_"type".gem
# Note, you must choose a unique key value to describe each data type.
# For example the key "upa" will match ALL data filenames containing
# the string "upa".
upperairK : upa
profilerK : 6min
# Dynamically generated menus.
# Models, Vertical coordinates, Color contours, Color fill tables,
# Font types & sizes, Station Overlays, Surface keys, Markers,
# Image Maps, Geographical areas & projections, FDF chapters, line
# parameters, vector symbols, x-sec vertical axes, vertical
# profile vert axes, time/height time axes.
# Models
# NEW!!!!!! 10/14/04
# modelkeys now checks the $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl template file
# first for the directory and file naming template first!
# This allows grids to be in different directories and use different
# naming convention depending on model. If the modelkey is not
# a known template, then the behavior defaults to looking
# for the unique string in the Garp defined grid directory.
# List all models for GARP to display. Objective Analysis grids
# are OK. Make up a name for "modellabels". The corresponding
# string in "modelkeys" must make a unique match to files in the
# $(grids) directory.
# For example, the string "eta" matches YYMMDDHH_eta.gem *and*
# YYMMDDHH_mesoeta.gem. Better choices are "_mesoeta" and "_eta".
modelkeys :
modellabels : "GFS thinned,GFS 003,Eta 211,Eta 212,Eta
# Vertical coordinate keys for plan view.
vcoordkeys : "pres,sgma,thta,hght,none,none,hagl,pagl,frzl,trop,mwsl,pdly"
vcoordlabels : "Pressure,Sigma,Isentropic,Height,Surface,None,Hght agl,Press
agl,Freezing Lvl,Tropopause,Max Wind Speed,PRES Layer"
# Vertical coordinate keys for vertical profiles.
vpvcoordkeys : "pres,sgma,thta,hght"
vpvcoordlabels : "Pressure,Sigma,Isentropic,Height"
# List colors to be used for contour lines, symbols, etc.
# Use no more that 10 GEMPAK colors in list.
colorlist : "3,6,5,2,4,7,8"
# Color fill tables
#colorfillkeys :
#colorfilllabels : "Table 1,Table 2,Table 3,Table 4,Table 5"
colorfillkeys :
colorfilllabels : "Cool,Hot,Table 1,Table 2,Table 3,Table 4"
# Font type, size and hardware/software flag. (See "Font" entry
# in Chapter 3 of the NAWIPS Users Manual for help.)
text_size : 1.3
text_font : 21
text_width : 1
text_hw_flag : hw
# Station overlays
stn_tables: "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
stn_labels: "Surface Airways,WFO,NEXRAD,Wind Profiler,Upper Air
# Surface keys
# sfc_keys - Strings corresponding to the unique "type" substring in
# the filename convention for a given surface data type.
# For example, YYMMDD_"type".gem: 980101_sao.gem, 980101_shb.gem
# sfc_labels - Labels corresponding to above sfc_keys.
# sfc_tables - Tables containing complete list of all valid parameters
# for a given surface data type. Corresponds to sfc_keys and sfc_labels.
# xxx_dir - Directory containing surface data files of the xxx type
# xxx_parms - Default list of parameters plotted for the xxx data type
# Examples:
# sfc_keys: "surf,shb,amos,mmos,nmos,ffg,sels,ltg"
# sfc_labels: "METAR,Ship/Buoy,AVN MOS,MRF MOS,NGM MOS,Flash Flood,Storm
# sfc_tables:
# ffgparms.lst,selsparms.lst,"
# surf_dir : $(METDAT)/gempak/surface
# shb_dir : $(METDAT)/gempak/surface
# amos_dir : $(METDAT)/gempak/mos
# nmos_dir : $(METDAT)/gempak/mos
# mmos_dir : $(METDAT)/gempak/mos
# ffg_dir : $(METDAT)/gempak/flood
# sels_dir : $(METDAT)/gempak/storm
# surf_parms:
# shb_parms: "SKYC:1.0:1;TMPF;WSYM:1.0:1;SMSL;BLNK;WPER;WHGT;SSTC;BRBK:1.0:1"
# amos_parms: "BLNK;TMPF;BLNK;CLCT;BLNK;PP12"
# mmos_parms: "SKNT;TMPF;BLNK;CLCT;BLNK;PP12;PP24"
# nmos_parms: "SKYC:1.0:1;TMPF;BLNK;CLCT;BLNK;PP12;PP06"
# ffg_parms: "STID;ff01;BLNK;ff06;BLNK;ff03;ff12;BLNK;ff24"
# sels_parms: "STID"
sfc_keys : "sao,syn,sb,gmos,xmos,nmos,ffg,nldn"
sfc_labels : "METAR,Synoptic,Ship / Buoy,GFS MOS,GFSX MOS,NGM MOS,Flash
sfc_tables :
sao_dir : $(GEMDATA)/surface
syn_dir : $(GEMDATA)/syn
sb_dir : $(GEMDATA)/ship
gmos_dir : $(GEMDATA)/mos
xmos_dir : $(GEMDATA)/mos
nmos_dir : $(GEMDATA)/mos
ffg_dir : $(GEMDATA)/storm/ffg
nldn_dir : $(GEMDATA)/nldn
sb_parms: "SKYC:1.0:1;TMPF;WSYM:1.0:1;SMSL;BLNK;WPER;WHGT;SSTC;BRBK:1.0:1"
xmos_parms: "SKNT;TMPF;BLNK;CLCT;BLNK;PP12;PP24"
nmos_parms: "SKYC:1.0:1;TMPF;BLNK;CLCT;BLNK;PP12;PP06"
ffg_parms: "STID;ff01;BLNK;ff06;BLNK;ff03;ff12;BLNK;ff24"
ltg_parms: "POLR"
nldn_parms: "STID"
# Suface Markers & Filter factor
# List of available marker types and the corresponding labels.
# (See "Marker" entry in Chapter 3 of the NAWIPS Users Guide
# for help.)
# Default filter factor for surface data. 1 = no overlaping
# stations; 0 = all stations plotted, regardless of overlap.
# (See "Filter" entry in Chapter 3 of the NAWIPS Users Guide
# for help.)
sfc_markers: "3,4,6,14"
sfc_marker_labels: "Triangle,Box,Diamond,Star"
sfc_filter: 1
# Image maps
# Background images that you can plot along with model and obs
# data. You may have to manually select the color enhancement
# (unidat_top) for these images.
# NOTE that these are IMAGES, and can't be combined (yet) with
# other images such as satellite or radar data.
# These images require 128 image colors. To get this, you
# must start ntl with 128 satellite colors. This is the
# default in NAWIPS 5.4.
colormapdir : $(GARPHOME)/map/areas
colormapkeys :
colormaplabels : "GOES-8,GOES-9,North America,Northern Hemisphere,Southern
Hemisphere,Hemisphere,Northern California,Virginia,Colorado,Central
# Geographic areas
# You can now configure the regions, projections, and GAREAs of all the
# regions available under the AREA pull-down menu. Here are some starting
# examples. You may configure them.
MapLabels : "DEFAULT,Northern Hemisphere,North
America,CONUS,Northeast,Southeast,North Central,South
America,Africa,Europe,South Pole,North Pole"
MapProjection :
MapGarea :
# Default map areas and projections for each model type. Use the
# string defined in "modelkeys" to specify the model. If no spec
# exists for a given model, default_proj and default_garea are used.
avn_proj : str/90.0;-100;0.0
avn_garea : 10;-130;50;-30
thin_proj : str/90;-100;0
thin_garea : AFNA
avn003_proj : str/90;-100;0
avn003_garea : AFNA
ukmet_proj : str/90;-100;0
ukmet_garea : AFNA
ecmf1_proj : str/90;-100;0
ecmf1_garea : AFNA
gdas_proj : str/90;-100;0
gdas_garea : AFNA
ngm211_proj : lcc/25;-95;25
ngm211_garea : AWIPS
ruc211_proj : lcc/25;-95;25
ruc211_garea : AWIPS
ruc236_proj : lcc/25;-95;25
ruc236_garea : AWIPS
maps_proj : lcc/25;-95;25
maps_garea : AWIPS
eta_proj : lcc/25;-95;25
eta_garea : AWIPS
eta212_proj : lcc/25;-95;25
eta212_garea : AWIPS
#eta.gem_proj : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
#eta.gem_garea : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
#e10_proj : mer/27;-126;45;-106
#e10_garea : 27;-126;45;-106
#ngm_proj : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
#ngm_garea : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
mrf003_proj : str/90;-120;10
mrf003_garea : -10;-170;-10;10
mrf002_proj : str/90;-120;10
mrf002_garea : -10;-170;-10;10
mrf_proj : str/90;-120;10
mrf_garea : -10;-170;-10;10
ruc.gem_proj : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
ruc.gem_garea : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
rsas_proj : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
rsas_garea : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
ens_proj : str/90;-120;10
ens_garea : -10;-170;-10;10
default_proj : lcc/25.0;-103;25.0
default_garea : 20.0;-127.0;50.0;-59.0
# FDF & Macro chapters.
# These chapters are subdirectories which discriminate between
# families of FDFs and macros. For each list of chapters, you
# must also define a list of button labels.
# Scalar, Vector, XSScalar (scalar cross section), XSVector
# (vector cross section), THScalar (time/height scalar), THVector
# (time/height vector), VPScalar (vertical profile scalar),
# VPVector (vertical profile vector).
ScalarChapter :
SCLabels :
VectorChapter : general
VCLabels : General
XSScalarChapter : general,macros
XSSCLabels : General,Macros
XSVectorChapter : general
XSVCLabels : General
THScalarChapter : general,macros
THSCLabels : General,Macros
THVectorChapter : general
THVCLabels : General
VPScalarChapter : general,macros
VPSCLabels : General,Macros
VPVectorChapter : general
VPVCLabels : General
# Model dialog line parameters.
linetypekeys : "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
linetype : "Solid,Short dashed,Medium dashed,Long & short dash,Long
dash,Long dash 3 short,Long dash dot,Long dash 3 dots,Medium dash dot,Dotted"
labelfreqkeys : "0,1,2,3,4,5"
labelfreq : "No labels,Every line,Every 2nd line,Every 3rd line,Every 4th
line,Every 5th line"
# Model dialog vector symbols. These symbols will appear as options
# when the "More" button is pressed for model dialogs.
vectorkeys : "bm,bk,am,ak,an,st"
vectorsymbols : "Barb (m/s),Barb (knots),Arrow (m/s),Arrow (knots),Arrow
VertVectorkeys : "bm,bk,am,ak,an"
VertVectorsymbols : "Barb (m/s),Barb (knots),Arrow (m/s),Arrow (knots),Arrow
# Cross section vertical axis scale. Do not add additional axes.
yaxiskeys : "log,lin"
yaxislabels : "Logarithmic,Linear"
# Vertical profile vertical axis scale. Do not add additional axes.
vpyaxiskeys : "log,lin,skewt,stuve"
vpyaxislabels : "Logarithmic,Linear,Skew-T,Stuve"
# Time/height time axis scale. Do not change.
thtaxiskeys : "R,F"
thtaxislabels : "Increasing to left,Increasing to right"
# Wind Profiler keys.
wpbottom : 0
wptop : 10000
wpincrement : 1000
wpduration : 24
wptimeint : 60
wpendtime :
# End of dynamically generated menus.
# Additional configurataions:
# Thermodynamic diagram settings.
# stndex - defines a list of stability indices and thermodynamic
# parameters which are displayed on a thermodynamic diagram
# (Skew-T or Stuve). See the GEMPAK variable STNDEX for a list
# of valid parameters and syntax. Valid for upper air data
# vertical profiles only.
# SkewtXAxis, StuveXAxis
# - defines the GEMPAK "xaxis" parameter used when plotting
# SkewT-logP and Stuve diagrams, respectively. See the
# GEMPAK variable XAXIS for syntax. Valid for upper air
# data and model data vertical profiles.
stndex : selv;lift;kinx;totl;swet;lclp;lfcv;eqlv;cape;cins;brch
SkewtXAxis : ///;1
StuveXAxis : -100/30/20/1
# Widget defaults
# Choose default values for the model, vertical coordinate, levels,
# function, default fdf chapters, cross-section line, time-height
# station, vertical profile axis types, radar ring station, upper
# air levels and upper air filter.
model : eta
vcoord : pres
level1 : 500
level2 : 1000
fdf : "Temp_C"
fdf_directory : general
xsfdf : "Theta_K"
xsfdf_directory : general
thfdf : "Theta_K"
thfdf_directory : general
vpfdf : "Temp_C"
vpfdf_directory : general
cross-section : vbg>dnr
time-height_stn : DNR
yaxistype : log
vpyaxistype : skewt
rring_stid : FTG
upalevels :
upa_filter : 0.5
# Auto Update.
# Set to yes or no. The units of update_timer is minutes.
# Valid entries are 1 to 60.
autoupdate : no
update_timer : 5
# List of times in date/time scrolled lists for model data.
# Generally, this is "all" to present all model times. An alternative
# is "analysis" to show only model analysis times.
TimesInList : all
# Time match type.
# Valid values are "strict" (meaning that a time interval will is applied
# to the time match), "closest" (to match the closest time), and "none"
# (for no time matching). Time matching applies only to plan view data.
TimeMatch : none
# Time match intervals for "strict" time matching.
# Intervals in seconds. If the data to be time matched lies within the
# time interval given below, a valid time match will be found.
SfcObsTimeInterval: 3600
UpaObsTimeInterval: 43200
RadarTimeInterval: 900
SatelliteTimeInterval: 3600
# Hypertext browser command and Starting URLs (or files).
# If the Browser command is "netscape %s", and Netscape is already running,
# then GARP will try to open the URL in a new Netscape window. Otherwise,
# GARP will launch the browser command listed. (The %s is the URL placeholder.)
GarpHTML : $(GARPHOME)/html
Browser : "netscape -install %s"
UserGuide : $(GarpHTML)/UserGuide.html
CaseStudies: http://www.comet.ucar.edu/resources/cases/
# Dwell settings for animations
# You can customize the dwell settings for animations. The default
# dwell is used when you start GARP, and there are 5 pre-defined
# dwell groups available. Dwell settings are composed of three values;
# the first frame, intermediate and final frame pause. Values are in
# seconds. The speeds should get faster as you go from preset
# dwell 1 to 5. Also, you may change the min and max allowed
# values for the dwell settings on the slider bars. The internal
# defaults are 0 and 3 seconds.
defaultdwell : "0.60,0.10,0.60"
presetdwell1 : "2.50,1.50,2.00"
presetdwell2 : "1.20,0.66,0.90"
presetdwell3 : "0.90,0.33,0.60"
presetdwell4 : "0.60,0.10,0.50"
presetdwell5 : "0.20,0.05,0.20"
dwellmin : "0.01"
dwellmax : "3.00"
# Status bar and units
# This is the information that will be displayed on the status bar
# by default. Allowable items are:
# clock ticking clock
# windowcoords X,Y coordinate of mouse pointer
# plotcoords mouse pointer position in plotting coordinates
# pixelvalue image pixel value
# distcalc distance and range calculator
statusbaritems : "clock,windowcoords,plotcoords,pixelvalue,distcalc"
# Define the units for image brightness temperature and distances.
# Internal defaults are "degrees C" for temperature and "km" for
# distance. Allowable values are:
# temperature: C, K or F (Celcius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit)
# distance: KM, MI, or NM (Kilometers, Miles, Nautical miles)
tempunits : C
distunits : KM
# Lat/Lon Grid defaults.
# Define default lat/lon lines, increment, labelling, color, line
# type and line width. (See "latlon" in Chapter 3 of the NAWIPS
# Users Guide for help.)
latlon: no # lat/lon grid, yes or no
latinc: 5.0 # latitude increment (degrees)
loninc: 5.0 # longitude increment (degrees)
label_freq: 2 # label frequency
gridlinecolor: 2 # line color (GEMPAK color number)
gridlinetype: 10 # line type (GEMPAK line types)
gridlinewidth: 1 # line width
# Static configurations
# You should not have to change anything else in this file, unless
# you have a very good reason.
# Minimum size of zoom box (in pixels) before zooming occcurs.
# To prevent zooming by mistake. Leave as is.
# Zoom box color. GEMPAK color number used when drawing the zoom box.
# The zoom box will NOT necessarliy appear in this color, especially
# over images, since the color actually drawn is a combination of color
# indices. Leave alone unless the zoom box does not appear (is black)
# on some plots. (Color 1 is off-white)
minzoomboxsize : 20
zoomboxcolor : 1
# GARP icon directory (do not change)
# Tables used for overlaying the location of certain station types
# i.e. surface, sounding, profiler, NEXRAD sites, etc.
# (Do not change)
tabledir : $(GARPHOME)/tables
# Color enhancement tables
# Found in tabledir
# (Do not change)
mastertbl : master_garp.tbl
satenhancetbl : sat_enhance.tbl
radenhancetbl : rad_enhance.tbl
# Map list table file (don't change)
maplisttbl : maplist.tbl
# Location of FDF (Field Description File) files
# (Do not change, unless you have a different FDF directory)
fdfdir : $(GARPHOME)/fdf # FDF Directory
valid_fdf_keys : $(fdfdir)/valid_fdf_keys # Valid keys file
scalarfdf : $(fdfdir)/scalar # Plan view scalar FDFs
vectorfdf : $(fdfdir)/vector # Plan view vector FDFs
xsscalarfdf : $(fdfdir)/xsscalar # Cross section scalar FDFs
xsvectorfdf : $(fdfdir)/xsvector # Cross section vector FDFs
thscalarfdf : $(fdfdir)/xtscalar # Time/height scalar FDFs
thvectorfdf : $(fdfdir)/xtvector # Time/height vector FDFs
vpscalarfdf : $(fdfdir)/vpscalar # Vertical profile scalar FDFs
vpvectorfdf : $(fdfdir)/vpvector # Vertical profile vector FDFs
# File name template strings.
# Each component of the template strings must match up one for one
# with the data directories defined above
# Don't worry about matching up the "model" or "type" strings
# Unless you've changed the Data Directory structures above,
# you shouldn't have to change these lines.
# Use the following for YYMMDD convention
#nidsT : $(nids)/%(site)/%(product)/*_@(YYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
#nowradT: $(nowrad)/%(resolution)/%(product)/*_@(YYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
#gridsT : $(grids)/@(YYMMDDHH)_*.gem
#surfaceT : $(surface)/@(YYMMDD)_sao.gem
#upperairT : $(upperair)/@(YYMMDD)_upa.gem
#profilerT : $(profiler)/@(YYMMDDHH)_6min.gem
#satT : $(SATDIR)/%(platform)/%(resolution)/%(product)/*_@(YYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
nidsT : $(nids)/%(site)/%(product)/*_@(YYYYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
#nowradT: $(nowrad)/%(resolution)/%(product)/*_@(YYYYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
nowradT: $(RADDIR)/%(platform)/%(resolution)/%(product)/*_@(YYYYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
satT : $(SATDIR)/%(platform)/%(resolution)/%(product)/*_@(YYYYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
gridsT : $(grids)/@(YYYYMMDDHH)_*.gem
surfaceT : $(surface)/@(YYYYMMDD)_sao.gem
upperairT : $(upperair)/@(YYYYMMDD)_upa.gem
profilerT : $(profiler)/@(YYYYMMDD)_6min.gem