will be the final message regarding changes to the communication header
designations. On May 17, 2005, extensive World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) header and NWS communications identifier changes were made
to NOAA Aviation Weather Center (AWC) warnings, advisories and forecast
products including: ·
Area Forecasts (FA), ·
Significant Meteorological
Information (SIGMET), ·
Meteorological Information (AIRMET), and These products produced by the The communication headers were changed to bring the
AWC’s aviation weather products in to compliance with international
communication standards recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
and World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and NOAA’s NWS internal
communication standards. NOAA’s Aviation Weather Center (AWC)
successfully implemented software to ensure our products were processed and
disseminated using the new headers. A significant coordination, outreach,
and testing effort was undertaken by the AWC over several months with the FAA
and other aviation customers to prepare you for these changes. This coordination effort led to the successful
implementation of these changes with negligible impact to the aviation
community. Major FAA systems were prepared for this change, which was
confirmed shortly after the implementation by calls made by the AWC to various
Automated Flight Service Stations and Center Weather Service Units. Other
aviation weather customers reported that the implementation of the new headers was
successful. A number of individuals helped to ensure this change
went as smoothly. I would especially like to thank the following Michael Mercer (NWSH W/OS23) Ron Olson Jan Lewis Bill Hirt Larry Hinson Steve Danz (RSIS) Marc Singer Tim Mahony Amy Wilson (RSIS) Jim McDuffy (RSIS) Thanks to all for your patience as we have worked
through these changes to bring us in compliance with international standards. -_Clinton |