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more about gempak
- Subject: more about gempak
- Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 14:26:45 -0500
Dear Support,
This is an additional note concerning Gempak on our Linux machine. I
was able to get it to run, but needed to make the model designations
have the ".gem" suffix. Having done that, it seems to run okay.
Frank Colby
UMass Lowell
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Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 12:08:58 -0500
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Dear Support,
I have just installed the latest version of Gempak on a linux machine,
using the binary distribution. I unzipped, untarred the file (this is
the first time Gempak has been installed on this machine), edited the
Gemenviron.profile, sourced it, and was able to navigate using the
symbolic names, so the sourcing worked. I then tried to run garp, and I
get the main window, but as soon as I click on the "display model data"
button, it crashes with a "segmentation fault", without opening the
dialog box. I searched the support archives and found one similar
problem, but that was for an upgrade installation, and the problem was
the previous version had not been removed. Any other places I should
look? It seems like this should be something very basic.....
I made some changes to the Garp_defaults file, and got some new errors
-- about XMtext and fonts not supported -- do I have to do a make
install for Garp, even with a binary dist.? I"m running on Redhat 9.
The other interesting thing is that surface data displays fine, and if I
click on upperair data, the dialog box opens, even though there is no
Frank Colby
UMass Lowell