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Question about piping data to gpmap
- Subject: Question about piping data to gpmap
- Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 18:32:28 +0000
I found an error in the script, I had neglected to source the .cshrc
file in my home directory, which is why the program wouldn't run via
crontab, or through the pqact. It runs fine via crontab w/o error now.
I am logged in with X running on my machine, so I don't think the
DISPLAY will be too much of a problem, as is evident by it running
through crontab.
However, my intent is for it to run upon receipt of
data as it comes in. Is this pqact entry correct to get this script to
run? Also, how would I pipe the output of this section to a log file to
see what's happening exactly when data comes in?
NEXRAD ^SDUS[2357]. KEAX ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(N0R)(N0V)
EXEC /home/dan/nexradgif.csh
-d /home/dan/nexrad.log
And one other thing, assuming I modify the nexradgif.csh to accept an
argument of N0R or N0V, depending upon what's coming in, how do I
include that in the pqact file? The pqact entry that filters the data
to the appropriate directories looks like this..
NEXRAD ^SDUS[2357]. KEAX ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(...)(...)
FILE -close /data/ldm/NIDS/\5/\4/\4_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\2\3
so would I pass an argument like /home/dan/nexradgif.csh \4 ? The data
resides in a directory called /data/ldm/NIDS/EAX/N0R...and it would
appear that \4 correlates with N0R...
Unidata Support wrote:
Your plotting script calls /home/dan/test.csh which you haven't included,
but I'm assuming its purpose is tread the radar data from stardard input
of the script and write it out to the appropriate file. Otherwise,
use EXEC instead of PIPE if the script isn't going to read the data
from the PIPE.
Since your process being invoked by the LDM probably isn't allowed to
display to your X server, your DISPLAY to localhost:0 won't accept the
gf driver connection unless your X server is logged in to, and have run
xhost to allow connections from all users on your system.
Solutions here are to use the "gif" device which does not require an X server,
or createa virtual X server using Xvfb and use that as the display to draw to.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
From: Daniel Leins <address@hidden>
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200501060700.j0670Fv2013454
To whom,
I would like to pipe 0.5 reflectivity data to a script to generate gif
images for a webpage. The script is identical enough to the script
provided on the unidata site as an example of how to generate gif images
for the web. I've gotten the script to work fine when I run it manually,
however when I try and use the PIPE option within my pqact.conf file, I
can't seem to get any images to generate upon receipt of the data. Do I
have this section of the pqact file set up correctly? `ldmadmin
pqactcheck` seems to think so. I've also tried to set up a log for
this section, and it doesn't want to work either. I've attached the
relevant portions of the pqact file, as well as the script for perusal.
Note: The tabs show up correctly within the file
PIPE -close /home/dan/nexradgif.csh
-d /home/dan/log.log
I would like this program to run upon receipt of KEAX 0.5 reflectivity
data only. The script is a csh script, located in /home/dan. It's
chmod'd to 777
This is the script (which works fine manually)
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv DISPLAY localhost:0
source $NAWIPS/Gemenviron
set MAPFIL = $GEMMAPS/hicnus.nws
cd /data/ldm/NIDS/EAX/N0R
set CURRENT_RAD=`ls * | tail -1`
# generate gifs in /tmp
cd /tmp
if(-e eax.gif ) then
rm -f eax.gif*
gpmap << EOF
mapfil = /usr/local/gempak/gempak/maps/hicnus.nws+hipowo.cia
map= 2/1/1+5/1/2
TITLE = 1/-2/
DEVICE = gf|eax.gif.009|800;600
PROJ = rad
GAREA = 37.29;-96.53;41.15;-91.38
TEXT = 1.2/23/1/hw
\$mapfil = hipowo.gsf
mv /tmp/eax.gif.009 /var/www/html/wx/radar
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Dan Leins
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Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 22:46:59 -0600
From: Daniel Leins <address@hidden>
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To: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 20050106: [Fwd: Question about piping data to gpmap]
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I found an error in the script, I had neglected to source the .cshrc
file in my home directory, which is why the program wouldn't run via
crontab, or through the pqact. It runs fine via crontab w/o error now.
I am logged in with X running on my machine, so I don't think the
DISPLAY will be too much of a problem, as is evident by it running
through crontab. However, my intent is for it to run upon receipt of
data as it comes in. Is this pqact entry correct to get this script to
run? Also, how would I pipe the output of this section to a log file to
see what's happening exactly when data comes in?
NEXRAD ^SDUS[2357]. KEAX ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(N0R)(N0V)
EXEC /home/dan/nexradgif.csh
-d /home/dan/nexrad.log
And one other thing, assuming I modify the nexradgif.csh to accept an
argument of N0R or N0V, depending upon what's coming in, how do I
include that in the pqact file? The pqact entry that filters the data
to the appropriate directories looks like this..
NEXRAD ^SDUS[2357]. KEAX ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(...)(...)
FILE -close /data/ldm/NIDS/\5/\4/\4_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\2\3
so would I pass an argument like /home/dan/nexradgif.csh \4 ? The data
resides in a directory called /data/ldm/NIDS/EAX/N0R...and it would
appear that \4 correlates with N0R...
Unidata Support wrote:
Your plotting script calls /home/dan/test.csh which you haven't included,
but I'm assuming its purpose is tread the radar data from stardard input
of the script and write it out to the appropriate file. Otherwise,
use EXEC instead of PIPE if the script isn't going to read the data
from the PIPE.
Since your process being invoked by the LDM probably isn't allowed to
display to your X server, your DISPLAY to localhost:0 won't accept the
gf driver connection unless your X server is logged in to, and have run
xhost to allow connections from all users on your system.
Solutions here are to use the "gif" device which does not require an X server,
or createa virtual X server using Xvfb and use that as the display to draw to.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
From: Daniel Leins <address@hidden>
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200501060700.j0670Fv2013454
To whom,
I would like to pipe 0.5 reflectivity data to a script to generate gif
images for a webpage. The script is identical enough to the script
provided on the unidata site as an example of how to generate gif images
for the web. I've gotten the script to work fine when I run it manually,
however when I try and use the PIPE option within my pqact.conf file, I
can't seem to get any images to generate upon receipt of the data. Do I
have this section of the pqact file set up correctly? `ldmadmin
pqactcheck` seems to think so. I've also tried to set up a log for
this section, and it doesn't want to work either. I've attached the
relevant portions of the pqact file, as well as the script for perusal.
Note: The tabs show up correctly within the file
PIPE -close /home/dan/nexradgif.csh
-d /home/dan/log.log
I would like this program to run upon receipt of KEAX 0.5 reflectivity
data only. The script is a csh script, located in /home/dan. It's
chmod'd to 777
This is the script (which works fine manually)
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv DISPLAY localhost:0
source $NAWIPS/Gemenviron
set MAPFIL = $GEMMAPS/hicnus.nws
cd /data/ldm/NIDS/EAX/N0R
set CURRENT_RAD=`ls * | tail -1`
# generate gifs in /tmp
cd /tmp
if(-e eax.gif ) then
rm -f eax.gif*
gpmap << EOF
mapfil = /usr/local/gempak/gempak/maps/hicnus.nws+hipowo.cia
map= 2/1/1+5/1/2
TITLE = 1/-2/
DEVICE = gf|eax.gif.009|800;600
PROJ = rad
GAREA = 37.29;-96.53;41.15;-91.38
TEXT = 1.2/23/1/hw
\$mapfil = hipowo.gsf
mv /tmp/eax.gif.009 /var/www/html/wx/radar
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Dan Leins
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Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program <
(303)497-8643 P.O. Box 3000 <
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 <
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Unidata WWW Service http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/support <
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NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available
through the web. If you do not want to have your interactions made
available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.