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20030702: pqact.conf entry to get SuomiNet and msfc
- Subject: 20030702: pqact.conf entry to get SuomiNet and msfc
- Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 12:50:18 -0600
Use the dcmsfc pattern as shown in
In particular, you have not specified the "-a" number of additional
stations to allow in the file (I use 10000), and you should
decode into hourly files using the template YYYYMMDDHH_sb.gem.
The decoder will use the 307 coastal, cman and fixed buoy stations defined
in the msfstns.tbl file when creating the file, but you must use the -a
flag to allow additional stations (ships of opportunity, dribu) that will
be received.
Typically I have around 2000+ stations in the 00Z file.
You are running out of room in your file so only seeing the 00Z data.
You also have an error that the decoder can't find $GEMTBL/pack/msfc.pack,
so varify that this is available (it could be a symptom of your file
being full, so its possible that it will go away when you fix
your pqact.conf entry).
Steve Chiswell
>From: "Patrick S. Market" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200307021647.h62Gl5Ld016211
>Thanks again. I should have thought of the PACK file. My bad.
>But, since I'm upgrading this week and last, I have several other
>problems. The current one regards the DCMSFC program. I
>have been unable to get it to work reliably. My current pqact.conf
>configuration seems only to run once per day, at 0000 UTC. It is:
>DDS|IDS ^S([INS]V.*|MV[^NS].*) .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])
> PIPE /asp/met/nawips56j/bin/sol/dcmsfc -v
> -d /usr/local/ldm/logs/dcmsfc.log
> -e GEMTBL=/asp/met/nawips56j/gempak/tables
> /res/met/data/ldm/gempak/surface/YYYYMMDD_sb.gem
>with the following dcmsfc.log results
>[26798] 030702/1142 [DC 6]
>[26800] 030702/1142 [DC 3] Version 5.6.j
>[26800] 030702/1142 [IN -11] msfc.pack
>[26800] 030702/1142 [FL -1]
>[26800] 030702/1142 [DC 5]
>[26800] 030702/1142 [DC 2] Number of bulletins read and processed: 0
>[26800] 030702/1142 [DC 6]
>There would seem to be a myriad problems with my pqact entry, yet
>reading over the manual and online archive searches have not yielded
>a workable solution.
>> Patrick,
>> The suominet parameters (shown in the suomi.pack file) are:
>> PRES pressure millibars
>> TMPC temperature celsius
>> PWVM Precipitable water vapor in millimeters
>> PWVE Precipitable water vapor format error millimeters
>> DELW wet delay millimeters
>> DELD Model Dry delay millimeters
>> DELT Total delay millimeters
>> DELF final delay
>> PIFC PI factor (conversion from wet delay to PWVM)
>> MFLG Met flag
>> For more information on the netCDF file, you can use "ncdump -h"
>> on the netcdf file.
>> I have set up NMAP2 with the the suominet data defined in the
>> prmlst.tbl for color coded plots.
>> Steve Chiswell
>Dr. Patrick S. Market
>Dept. of Atmospheric Science
>University of Missouri-Columbia Phone: (573) 882 - 1496
>387 McReynolds Hall Fax: (573) 884 - 5133
>Columbia, MO 65211 USA E-mail: address@hidden