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20020916: problems with gdradr
- Subject: 20020916: problems with gdradr
- Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 14:46:23 -0600
There is a default template coded into gdradr if the NEXRIII template
is not found in the datatype.tbl file. That is the same as:
Since gdradr says it is using that pattern, then it seems to
say that for some reason the NEXRIII template in your datatype.tbl file
failed. Did you comment out the other NEXRIII entries you were using with a
"!" as the first character in the line?
The RAD variable is set in Gemenviron, so your changing the value in .cshrc
would need to be after the Gemenviron file is sourced.
The problem you may be having with your new directory structure is that
the directory path has the YYYYMMDD template in it. The code only
processes the template in the file name, and not the file path.
So, your path of /wxdata/archive/YYYYMMDD/%SITE%/%PROD% is
probably not getting expanded with the date/time as you expected.
It sounds like I need to modify the code so that the directory path is
processed for date/time templates as well as the file name.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: "CORENE MATYAS" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200209161527.g8GFR3114884
>I am currently experiencing difficulty successfully running gdradr. I had
>modified the nexriii entry in the datatype.tbl 2 months ago to reflect the pat
> h
>that my data were stored in. I tested using data from one day and was
>successful in creating files that I was then able to successfully view in
>gdplot2. However, I needed to refine my path because I am dealing with data
>from 150 days so sticking the data into a directory for each station would be
>too cumbersome. I went to modify the datatype.tbl settings, but my new path wa
> s
>longer than 25 characters. So I decided to set a new environment variable to
>substitute for the first part of the path and shorten the length. However, the
>new environmental variable didn't "take". So I modified .cshrc and reset
>$RAD equal to the first part of this new path. This did work, but produced a
>strange pathname. Even though I had added another entry in the datatype.tbl an
> d
>commented out the others, it was still defaulting to the path I had originally
>modified. Originally I changed the path to $RAD/NIDS/%SITE%/%PROD%. I then
>changed $RAD = /wxdata/archive, making my desired path
>$RAD/YYYYMMDD/%SITE%/%PROD%. However, while running gdradr, it said it was
>still searching for $RAD/NIDS/%SITE%/%PROD% which is not correct because I
>commented out that structure in the datatype.tbl. So I decided to switch
>everything back to the way in which it had worked before, resetting $RAD to it
> s
>original path in .cshrc and deleting the new addition to the datatype.tbl and
>uncommenting the $RAD/NIDS/%SITE%/%PROD% entry. I tried gdradr with this
>setting, but now it says the files are too old. I set the radtim for
>010806/2300 and raddur = 15. It is looking in the correct path because it list
> s
>all of the station files as its running but it lists all of the last ones for
>that day (23:59, 23:57, etc) for each station and says they are all too old.
>Yet I had created these very same files prior to messing with any of the syste
> m
>settings and they all came up perfectly.
>Basically, I'm at a loss for 3 things- why the environmental variable I set
>didn't work, why does it keep using an old and commented out entry in the
>datatype.tbl when I added the one I wanted and had been able to use it before,
>and finally why when I reset everything to its original state does it say the
>files are too old when I was able to use them before?
>Corene Matyas
>From address@hidden Fri Sep 6 09:27:08 2002
>Received: from webmail8.cac.psu.edu (webmail8.cac.psu.edu [])
> by unidata.ucar.edu (UCAR/Unidata) with ESMTP id g86FR7j27127
> for <address@hidden>; Fri, 6 Sep 2002 09:27:07 -0600 (MDT)
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200209061527.g86FR7j27127
>Received: (from webmail@localhost)
> by webmail8.cac.psu.edu (8.9.3/8.9.0) id LAA15281;
> Fri, 6 Sep 2002 11:27:06 -0400 (EDT)
>Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 11:27:06 -0400 (EDT)
>Message-Id: <address@hidden>
>To: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
>Subject: gdradr problem
>From: "CORENE MATYAS" <address@hidden>
>X-Mailer: Penn State WebMail
>X-Sender: cjm298
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=-/brQcj8UuSid+m2QpwZm"
>Content-Type: text/plain
>I am currently experiencing difficulty successfully running gdradr. I had
>modified the nexriii entry in the datatype.tbl 2 months ago to reflect the pat
> h
>that my data were stored in. I tested using data from one day and was
>successful in creating files that I was then able to successfully view in
>gdplot2. However, I needed to refine my path because I am dealing with data
>from 150 days so sticking the data into a directory for each station would be
>too cumbersome. I went to modify the datatype.tbl settings, but my new path wa
> s
>longer than 25 characters. So I decided to set a new environment variable to
>substitute for the first part of the path and shorten the length. However, the
>new environmental variable didn't "take". So I modified .cshrc and reset
>$RAD equal to the first part of this new path. This did work, but produced a
>strange pathname. Even though I had added another entry in the datatype.tbl an
> d
>commented out the others, it was still defaulting to the path I had originally
>modified. Originally I changed the path to $RAD/NIDS/%SITE%/%PROD%. I then
>changed $RAD = /wxdata/archive, making my desired path
>$RAD/YYYYMMDD/%SITE%/%PROD%. However, while running gdradr, it said it was
>still searching for $RAD/NIDS/%SITE%/%PROD% which is not correct because I
>commented out that structure in the datatype.tbl. So I decided to switch
>everything back to the way in which it had worked before, resetting $RAD to it
> s
>original path in .cshrc and deleting the new addition to the datatype.tbl and
>uncommenting the $RAD/NIDS/%SITE%/%PROD% entry. I tried gdradr with this
>setting, but now it says the files are too old. I set the radtim for
>010806/2300 and raddur = 15. It is looking in the correct path because it list
> s
>all of the station files as its running but it lists all of the last ones for
>that day (23:59, 23:57, etc) for each station and says they are all too old.
>Yet I had created these very same files prior to messing with any of the syste
> m
>settings and they all came up perfectly.
>Basically, I'm at a loss for 3 things- why the environmental variable I set
>didn't work, why does it keep using an old and commented out entry in the
>datatype.tbl when I added the one I wanted and had been able to use it before,
>and finally why when I reset everything to its original state does it say the
>files are too old when I was able to use them before?
>Corene Matyas