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20020711: DSS090-Reanalysis/nmap nfg
- Subject: 20020711: DSS090-Reanalysis/nmap nfg
- Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 12:03:16 -0600
NMAP uses the file name templates in $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl
to identify which files would have given times in them. Generally,
the model templates are files such as YYYYMMDDHH. If you are
combining multiple analysis times in a file, then that could
be a problem with NMAP (and gdcntr if you are using the template
as the GDFILE instead of the actual file name).
Other than that, gdcntr shouldn't care if there are multiple
analysis times in a file.
The maximum number of grids in a file is currently 30,000
(the maximum number of headers).
The maximum number of grid times in a file is in GEMPRM.PRM:
C! Max # grid times
If you have 8 analysis times, you won't have a problem with the 1000
time limit (unless you have a couple of hundered forecast times
per analysis).
If you want to send me a file, you can ftp into the ~gbuddy/incoming
directory on ftp.unidata.ucar.edu using the old XXXXXX
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: John Merrill <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Rhode Island
>Keywords: 200207111729.g6BHTca23570
>Hello, Steve:
> We've had success using dcgrib to build gempak files from NCAR/NCEP
>Reanalysis CD-ROMs.
>We're trying to extend this to the DSS090 files from the Mass Store, to
>get more levels and variables. Despite some success in using selected
>data from other DSS090/MS files, we are
>stuck, with apparent problems in the files, so that nmap and even
>gdcntr, for example, unable
>to keep everything striaght. We're attempting to concatentate several
>analysis times into a single
>file, to accommodate looping, and this may be the source of the problem.
>It seems nmap can't find
>some of the variables/times, depending on how many dates and times we
>include in the file. The
>files appear ok when examined with gdinfo, however, with all
>times/levels/variables shown. Tried
>gdcntr to see if this was a deficiency in nmap, and gdcntr has similar
>problems. For example, it
>can't see anything other than the last time in a file with 8 analysis
>times; specifying the first time
>explicitly makes it say that it will plot these data, but what it plots
>are the last time. In nmap it is
>the worrysome Error flag which turns red, and the text box indicates
>that certain times/variables
>are unavailable.
> Could I send you the gempak file for analysis, or output from these
>runs, or anything? This is
>a developmental project, stemming from ACE-Asia, in case you hadn't
>guessed. John
>John Merrill Telephone:
>Graduate School of Oceanography, URI Fax: